This isn't me
Well at least it never used to be
I hurt so much now
As I shake with anxiety and wipe my brow
Tears stream down my cheek
Leaving a trail to my soulI used to hate it
But then I got the hit
All I want is someone to listen
Instead of being bitten
It's too hard on my own
I don't want to seek attention so I shant moan
People come at me from every corner
But I am no longer my former
The one to scream, shout and fight
I am sad, quite and out of sight
I don't see the point anymore
To argue, it's a boreSo I sit here
Cry and cry some more, I may lere
But never to be seen
That way they can't be mean
I'm not touched, I am invisable
I hurt mentally, physically, I am miserable/