Pg 115(Bonus)

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爱情就像钱包, 一贯的付出不一定都会有回报, 不一定都是值得的, 偶尔有回报的时候, 也是暂时的。总有一天钱包会空, 不断地努力赚钱才有资格有钱, 不断地用心去爱才有资格说爱。

Love is like a wallet, sometimes the more you spend you won't get the same amount in return, sometimes the tradeoffs might not be worth it, even sometimes if it is satisfying, it is only temporary. Eventually, too much of spends will make your wallet empty, only if the you work more in order to earn more money, then you have the ability to spend; the more efforts and intentions you put it in love, then you have the right to love and let other people love you...


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