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You all have heard of the Barbie Doll. I know you have. This story starts out on a late November evening. My sister was having a birthday party.

I snuck upstairs into my sisters room. As every boy, I hate Barbie Dolls. So, I started to tear their heads off. I set the Barbies back where I found them— headless. I went back downstairs.

Later that night, after the party, my sister went into her room. I heard a bloody scream. She runs to my mom with a headless Barbie Doll. She blamed me, but I denied. My mom didn't fall for it, so I got sent to my room.

It is now 8:30 pm. Everything is too quiet. My sister has gone to bed and I am alone— in the dark. I try to fall asleep for a half hour. I open my eyes halfway. I see a shadow forming from the light from under my door. I thought it was my sister trying to scare me. So I told "her" to stop. The light disappeared from under the door. So I went back to sleep.

About 5 minutes later, the door opens. A Barbie Doll falls down in the doorway. I think it is my sister again. So, I throw my pillow and it lands on top of the doll. I close my eyes. A couple second later, a pillow hits me in the head. I look and the doll is standing upright in the door way.

The lights in the hall turn on and I see that the Barbie's head is crooked. I sit up. The doll walks to the center of the room. I arm myself with a blanket. The Barbie lunges toward me. I open the blanket. When it hits the blanket, I close it.

It is now like 9:30 pm and I have a rabid Barbie in a blanket. I stay up all night, firmly grasping the blanket covered doll.

When morning struck, I went outside with the doll. My mom was going to work. I said I couldn't sleep and said goodbye. I quickly tossed the Barbie under the tire as she was pulling out. the doll's body exploded and the head flattened. My mom didn't notice. I knew my sister was waking up soon, so I cleaned up the mess and tossed it into the trash. I rushed inside and played Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360.

That is why I am now afraid of Barbie dolls. I no longer tear their heads off. My sister never noticed (or anyone else). Now she has outgrown Barbies and hates them, like me.

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