The girl who lived

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She touched the rose petal and slowly it starts to levitate. She trying really hard to concentrate and keep her eyes on the petal. Her green eyes is shining with determination. She just 5 years old but when you lived near a castle that become a school for hundreds of witch and wizard, you cannot help but pick one or two things while wondering around the castle and watch the older students learn in class.
Today she just happened to come across the class of first year student when they were practising levitating with professor Flinch. 
''winggardium Leviosa...!''
The students keep repeating the spell while swaying their wand back and forth. Rose watched them with awe and she is really intrigued to do the spell as well.
She is looking and observing from the far corner of the class window because Hagrid does not allowed her to wander the castle by her own,  let alone disturbing other students' class. Being  the obedient little girl, she can only watch from afar and make a mental note that she will practice the spell later. 
She run back to Hagrid's house and welcomed by Fang.
"Hi Fang,  do you want to see what I learned today?" Rose petted Fang and the dog exclaimed in joy.  Fang is a very gentle dog and loved Rose so much. They always snug and sleep together at night. Rose reach out a rose flower from the little vase on the table. It is the only small object in the house as everything is too big for Rose because all the things in the house are meant to accommodate Hagrid's huge frame.

She pluck a petal from the flower and sit crossed legged infront of the fireplace.  She put the petal in her small hand and concentrate really hard while repeating the spell.
"winggardium Leviosa... Winggardium Leviosa... " she murmured under her breath.  Slowly the petal start to shudder and began to float. Her eyes are wide with excitement and a huge smile formed from her lips.
"I did it!  Look,  I did it Fang!"  her check felt hurt from all the smiling. Her cute giggling echoed the house and little did she knows that someone is watching her from afar. 
Snape was just finished his class with the 6th year students and about to go back to his office when he spotted little Rose spying on the first year student's class.  He knows that they were practising levitating spell and he also knows that little Rose is as eager as her mother when it comes to learning magic and spell. 

He silently follow her to Hagrid's. When he saw her plucking up the flower petal and concentrate really hard to make it levitate, Snape can't help it but swing his wand and the petal float. Rose couldn't conjure any magic or spell yet as she is not old enough and doesn't have a wand yet. However,  seeing a dissapointment and sadness from little Rose face is the last thing Snape want to see from her. She is the split image of her mother except for the unruly black hair that James gave her. 
Her giggle is the most beautiful music he ever heard after the death of Lily. That is why he is trying to make her happy eventhough without her knowing. It was Dumbledore's order not to tell anything to Rose as a way to protect her. Rose must be treated as Hagrid's daughter. Snape was opposed to the idea of giving Rose to Hagrid because he wanted to protect Rose himself. However Dumbledore knows that Snape being the ex Death eaters and suddenly having a daughter will bring suspicious to his fellow death eaters and it can expose Rose to danger.  So Snape couldn't get close to Rose and care for her because it was the best for her.  He do it to protect her.  To protect Lily's child.

5 years ago Lily and James were killed by Lord Voldemort but their twin children, Harry and Rose survived the killing curse because Lily's love save them. It was an ancient magic, almost forgotten by all but possessed a power even a killing curse can't stand a chance. Harry and Rose escaped death by only a lightning scar on their forehead. Yes, Voldemort was defeated that night but he is not die and is barely alive.  Dumbledore knows one day Voldemort will rise again and finish what he started.  That is why he decided to separate the twin so that it will be hard for the dark lord to locate them.

Dumbledore put Harry in the Dursley house while Rose stayed with Hagrid.  Harry live at Dursley not knowing he is a wizard and thought that he is alone and both of his parents died in a car accident.
While Rose live at Hagrid and believed that  she is Hagrid's daughter and her mother died after giving birth to her.  Hagrid gave Evans as Rose last name because he said that it was the only thing he can give for Rose to remember her mother. Besides,  having Hagrid's as her last name will not be suitable because Rose is no close to a giant resemblance. Dumbledore told Hagrid to keep the truth from Rose until the right time comes because if the Death Eaters know about Rose, she will become an easy target to the Death Eaters. Hogwarts will provide protection for her as Dursley bloodline give protection for Harry.

Thus,  Rose Lily Evans grow up believing Hagrid is her father. 
Both of them grow up not knowing about their story. Living in a  wizard world make Rose know all about the infamous Harry Potter and his twin sister Rose Potter's story. She knows that Harry Potter is the boy who lived but little did she knows that she is Rose Potter, the girl who lived.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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