All The King's Men-Part Fourteen

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Amelia leaned back in her chair, and raised a questioning eyebrow. "Max?"

Maxwell de Vence, Baron of Chalone, glared up at her. "You have no evidence of anything. The only thing you have is the faulty memory of a six year old. The King will never act upon that."

"And you, Max, have no proof of my birth. You have only speculation, and I will not act upon that." Amelia turned to the five men sitting on her left, "I do not believe, my lords, that you have ever heard the true story of the night the King and Queen died."

George Delson waved to a few servants who lifted the table back onto the dais. He ordered more food to be served, and turned to Amelia. "With your permission, your highness."

"Thank you, Baron Delson."

"Am I to understand, your highness," Wessex asked, "That the attacks upon myself and my fellow Barons has something to do with the murder of the King?"

"I will tell you the story of that night," Amelia replied, "And I will allow you to make your own conclusions." Wessex nodded, and Amelia waited for the servants to lay fresh trenchers on the table along with trays loaded with meat, vegetables, and fruit of various kinds. Goblets of wine were set in front of them, and Amelia looked up to Lucas who still stood on the stairs.

She tilted her head slightly towards the seat next to her, and glanced at Delson who sat next to her, "Please make room for Lucas."

George nodded, and moved one seat over while Lucas made his way to the front of the room. Many soldiers sitting at the tables stood to greet him.

"Sir Lucas is well respected among the men," Wessex commented, as they watched Lucas greet the men, "most soldiers in this Kingdom were trained by Sir Lucas by order of the King."

Amelia nodded, "I am not surprised. I remember watching him train when he was young, he was the best student."

"That is why he does not enter the tournaments." Wessex continued.

Amelia glanced over at him, "He does not enter the tournaments?" It had never occurred to her that Lucas would enter the tournament. But, she thought, what if he did. Nay, he cannot, he is not strong enough. She watched him as he finally reached the dais. He climbed the steps, and greeted each of the Barons. Then took the seat next to her.

She turned her gaze to Chalone, "Max, you may sit." She pointed at a nearby table on the floor, "there."

"I will not be treated this way." Chalone growled.

"Max," Amelia stood, and leaned her hands on the table in front of her, "I am about to explain your roll in the King's murder. I suggest you sit down, and shut up while they absorb the information."

"You do not have evidence." Chalone complained, "You cannot accuse me without evidence."

"I am the Princess of Melonia." Amelia reminded him, "I do not need evidence. I have the proof of my own eyes. I saw you, Max."

"Do not address me so informally. I demand the respect my title affords me."

Amelia laughed and straightened, "Nay, my lord. The first thing I am going to do when I am Queen, is strip you of your title, and your lands. I will then give you to the warden to...interrogate. After that, I will make certain that the executioners blade is VERY dull, and have you strapped down to his block. Then, and only then, MAX, I will order your execution."

"You cannot do this to me."

"I watched you kill my mother and father." Amelia snapped, "You then chased me through the tunnel." She glanced at his missing hand. "A tunnel in which you lost your hand." Her gaze moved up to lock with his, "I will not stop until you are dead, Max, I will make absolutely sure you suffer for your actions."

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