Rainbow Dash says "I'll go first. So we all know the story of the Rusty Horseshoe. Well what if I tell you she has a friend." The others sit down and wait to hear the story as Dash sits down and says "In a time a long time ago, the Rusty Horseshoe was in the woods walking along when she saw a white figure. The white figure walked up and introduced himself as The White Stallion." The White Stallion said "I do a lot of fun things out here like scaring the little fillies out of my woods. They end up leaving. Like this." Three little fillies walk nearby as The White Stallion disappears. One of the fillies by the name of Alice said "What if there is something in the woods?" One of the other fillies says "Oh come on Alice, these woods are empty. But if you are so scared then let me lead." And she took the lead as they got closer they heard a loud sound and when they looked into the woods, The White Stallion came out and said "STAY OUTTA MY WOODS" the fillies ran away as The White Stallion laughed. The Rusty Horseshoe said "You will definitely be of assistance. Come on, follow me." The White Stallion then said "I can't leave so you must go now." The Rusty Horseshoe said "No!" But the White Stallion then scared her off with a big roar. Meanwhile back in Twilight's Castle, Rainbow Dash finishes her story and says "That is the story of The White Stallion." The others are clapping their hooves as Fluttershy jumps up and shakes a bit. Fluttershy says "Um.....me next please"