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Mario:Jovani u better stay out of this or else *mario is really really mad*
Jovani:Mario why are u doing this?!
Mario:Just stop u won't understand just leave me alone!
Jovani:I will leave u alone as soon as u tell me why ur being such and ass whole to her
Mario:JUST STAY OUT OF THIS.....just leave...NOW!!!
Jovani:*doesnt say anything and he leaves to ur house* *he knocks on ur door*
Mom:*opens the door*
Jovani:hi can I talk to *realizes he doesn't know ur name* uhh the girl that live here
Mom:*gives Jovani a suspicious expression* Y/N!!!!
Y/n:*come down as fast as u can*
Mom:someone's here to see u
Y/n:*u pass ur mom really scared of her and go outside*
Y/n:Who are u?
Jovani:Marios friend
Y/n:oh *sad look on ur face*
Jovani:no, I'm not like him I just want to know why he's like that
Y/n:I can't tell u I think it's best if he tells u *u go home*
Jovani:but he won't tell me!!!!!
*Jovani leaves back to Marios*
Jovani:ok Mario what ur fucking deal!!!
Mario:what did I tell u stay out of this
Jovani:ur hurting her I can see it when I went to see her and I know that u don't like doing this
Mario:u saw her!!!! Just stop pretending that u care...u know ur a fuckboy u know u go from girl to girl just using them...just stop with Y/n u don't care u just want to use her!!
Jovani:do u care??

As we fell in love (Mario Selman) Where stories live. Discover now