Chapter 4: Nightime

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When the school day was over, we all traveled back to our dorms. The boys had their own section, separated into different rooms, and the girls had their own section, also separated into individual rooms.

We slept in bunk beds. Leo slept in the bunk on top of mine.

"So how was your first day?" Leo talked fast, which probably was due to his super-speed.

"Uh, fine," I answered, "Yeah, it was great."

"Who's your favourite teacher? Mine's Howe. He's pretty cool when you've had him for a while."

"Yeah, he seems pretty okay." Leo went on and on for a bit. That kid acted like he was on a continuous coffee filled sugar rush. And when he finally did fall asleep he snored like a lumberjack. It took me until eleven o'clock to fall asleep.

*     *     *

I seem to be in an amusement park. What amusement park, I don't know. There's barely anyone around me. I'm walking with a man. I assume he's my father. The man is tall with jet black hair and light stubble on his chin.

"So what do you want to ride next? The Dora ride seems like it has a pretty short line."

"Dad, I'm almost thirteen." I don't seem to be in control of my actions. It's as if I'm watching a memory.

We get in line for a giant roller coaster. A man gets in line behind us. He's wearing a suit and tie, which I find to be abnormal attire for a theme park.

My dad starts to look nervous. He's moving around a lot. His nervousness starts to spread to me. I wonder what is making him so jittery.

He looks down at me and whispers, "Steven, follow me."

*     *     *

"Steven! Follow me! Wake up!" Somebody whispers.

"Wha-what?" I ask. I open my eyes and see a blur in the foggy shape of Danielle Lawrence. I rub my eyes, "Danielle? What are you doing here?"

"Shh," She puts a finger to her lips, "You need to follow me." She carefully tiptoes out of the room.

I try to get out of my bed without making any noise, but fail. My bed creaks. I hear Leo move a bit but then settle down again. I tiptoe out of the room and into the living room. Suddenly a flower pot starts to tip over. I catch it before it drops on the floor and shatters. That would be very not good.

Danielle sits on a couch with a laptop, "Hello slowpoke," She says in a normal voice, "I've been waiting here. I even have the page all loaded."

"What page?"

"Okay, after school I looked up your name on Google. There was a doctor selling drugs, but also a news story dated one month ago."

"And what does that have to do with anything?"

"There was, according to witnesses, a twelve year old kid that was kidnapped at -get this- Canada's Wonderland. They said that the man had shot the kid in the chest, and when he was knocked out they dragged him to the van."

"So you think that that was me?"

"The evidence all adds up. Whatever that group is probably tried to kidnap you and Mr. Johnson came in and saved you."

"Are you sure it wasn't Mr. Johnson that kidnapped me?"

Danielle almost looked offended, "Why would he do that?"

"Well, he does look like he has a lot to hide." A voice from behind us stated.

I looked behind me and Leo Rogers was sitting snug between the wall and the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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