chapter 3:Text me!!

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*Buzz buzzz*
"Oh crap"
My phone was going off and people where staring at me.
*buzz buzzz*
I reached into my pocket to turn it off

"RAEGAN! Phone now" my teacher said as pointing down at her desk.

I walked up and placed it down, and walked to my seat. Then moments later the most scariest thing happened to me!!
*phone rings*
That my ringtone... ughhhh

"Raegan, it's your daddy. I'm going to answer it and tell him you have been bad"

"Noooo. Don'---"

"Hello, this is Raegan teacher, I answered his phone to reguard you about your son. He has been very bad in my class.."
*on the other side of the phone*
"Oh, it that so.. well im just gonna have to address him his little issue in a way he will never forget. Thank you now goodbye"

"Raegan come get your phone,turn it off, and place it in your backpack!"


Little did she know 'daddy' wasn't my dad. It was Justin♡. Hah I wonder what he said...

*20 minutes later the bell rings*


yes I have 5weeks off from school and the 1st week I'm going on vacation with my baby. Now usually I take the bus home but I decided to walk home.


OMG babe won't text me back!!!!!
*text messages*
Hey baby:) I'm so excited for this week. I'm running out to the store to grab a few items. What where you thinking about having for food? And drinks? Oh and what's your dick size for condoms?

Hfjjfjcjfrnr he won't answer me I'll just call him
*call conversation*
Well I guess I'm daddy as my caller ID.. but I gonna have to fuck him so  franking hard until he learns his lesson! ;)

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