Age 3

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"Go play over there ok buddy." Michael giggled and nodded walking around happily as he walked over to where his caretaker said to play.

"Michael wait no!" It was too late before the poor boy fell threw a hole, yes there are holes in heaven. And this one leads straight to the forbidden land in...Hell. In there lives the three dark angels, one use to be a former angel. But he fell threw the hole and got sucked into the evil.

Michael whimpered as he quickly used his wings to fly him a bit up before he hit the ground. He was a prodigy up in heaven, already a great flier and so nice and well mannered. Let's not even talk about how beautiful and handsome he was compared to the others.

"Mr. Howell? Where am I?" He whimpered each time he would end a sentence. He looked around it was scary and dark, and the only light came from fires or himself.

"Is anyone there?" He felt like crying as he took a small step, he quickly made a white light with his powers. He didn't know using his pure angel power in hell would set off a smell to other angels of a different kind. He looked up at the sky a hole visible with shinning light, surrounded by clouds with a dark color in them.

"Can anyone help me?" He asked softly not suspecting an answer as he slowly walked deeper into the forbidden part in Hell.

"I can baby, but I can only take you to my boyfriend's and then they'll help you." He jumped, his light going out for a second till he brought it back.

"You smell good, how old are you baby?" He looked at the boy in a black dress and weirder clothing he had visible black wings. And his eyes gave off pure innocence, but that didn't mean he was innocent. The boy was laying on his back and staring at Michael upside down.

"I'm only three, and I'm lost. I don't belong here mister." He said innocently as he watched the boy get up and crawl next to him, he smiled at Michael.

"You're such an adorable little angel, now what careless caretaker would let a prodigy like you fall down a hole so evil?" Michael smiled blushing slightly, making the blue-eyed boy smirk.

"He let me go play, but I fell and I don't know how to go back up mister." Michael frowned slightly, missing Dan his caretaker.

"Come follow me, I'm sure Ashton could help you. He's nice, really nice...and sexy and fuck that man in bed is so amazing." Michael luckily didn't hear the last part, he was to busy staring at the blue-eyed dark angel.

"The names Luke, don't wear it out ok." He smiled and picked up the three year old walking to a building. Or mansion, which ever you think suits it best.

"Michael, but Dan calls me blue cause my favorite color is blue. Like your eyes mister." The dark angel smiled at the kid as they entered, he was tugged at the heart at how innocent the boy was and how gifted he was too.

"So you like my eyes hmm?" He asked raising an eyebrow at the boy in his arms. He earned a giggle in return and a nod.

"Indeed I do mister." Luke's face showed pure joy as he couldn't help but laugh with Michael.

"Who's this? Shit Luke, he smells good." Michael's light on his halo vanished and so did the one he made with his magic. The presence of such a dark power made all shine go away, and Michael felt sickened a bit.

"Calum woah dude, did you just make a new disease or something." Silence came from the guy with raven hair.


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