Chasing Shiloh: Part Thirteen

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The three of us sit there for awhile before anyone even says anything.

But then Colton breaks the silence. "So, what are we doing?"

                  Lillian looks over at him. "What?"

                  "Are we going?"

                  "To where?" I ask, looking over at him. "To Muskegon?"


                  "Do you really think she's there?"

                  Colton raises his eyebrows, challenging me. "Do you?"

                  "I don't know."

                  "Can you think of somewhere else she might be?"

                  I can't.

                  "Then let's go."

                  "I think I should stay here," Lillian says, looking around her empty house. "You know, in case she is there. Too many people finding her might overwhelm her."

                  "I would think that's exactly what she'd want, to be found by a ton of people," Colton says. "If this is really all some ploy for attention."

                  Lillian hesitates. "I really think it should just be you and Madigan. Plus, what if she isn't there, and she shows up here, and nobody is here to convince her to stay?"

                  "I don't really think she would just-" Colton always wants to argue. He always has to.

                  "Fine, Lillian's staying. Colton, let's go." I head for the door. "We need to get there, like, now."

                  "It's rush hour," Colton points out.

                  I want to strangle him. "We're in Merrill. This isn't Grand Rapids, Colton. Rush hour doesn't exist around here."

                  "We should also get some food." He adds. "I'm starving."

                  "Fine, whatever. Whose car are we taking?"

                  He doesn't answer and turns to stuff his feet into his shoes.

                  "If I hear anything, I'll call," Lillian says, hugging me.

                  Did I just agree to a road trip with Colton?

                  Only for you, Shiloh. You'd absolutely love this. Your best friend and the guy who's basically your boyfriend, teaming up to find you.

                  I just hope we can.


We decide to take Colton's car. Well, he decides. I don't have much say in it. He just sort of heads over to it and stares at me until I follow him.

"How good are you at navigation?" he asks, staring over my head at the tree next to Lillian's house.

"My phone has a GPS," I reply, opening the app and showing him. "So, about as good as anyone."

"How far to Muskegon?"

I search for directions. "Like, two hours minimum."

"Great. Where's Taco Bell?"

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