Chapter 1: Seven Human Souls

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How is this even possible?

Frisk looked to her left.Then she looked to her right.She was not alone this run,that's for sure.Maybe someone to keep her company wasn't so bad-someONE.But some SIX?This is going to be fun...Just then Frisk heard moaning coming from her left.A girl had woken up.Judging from that faded ribbon in her hair and that plastic knife she was holding,she was Patience:The light blue soul.(look at picture for description!)

"Hi there.I'm Frisk.What's your name?"Frisk signed to the girl.To her surprise,she signed back:"Tourmaline.My parents always thought I was a little jewel."Tourmaline replied."You know sign language?Are you mute?"Frisk asked."No.I just don't like talking to people. A lot of kids where I come from are very, well...Judging."Tourmaline signed.Her expression said enough: she didn't want to talk about it.

The girls heard groaning coming from their right:judging from the pitch,it was a guy this time.They looked over and saw a guy with glasses and a notebook. Perseverance: The purple soul.(same as last time,it's in the picture!)

He looked over at the girls and smiled."Hi.I'm Steven.Sorry to drop in!"Steven joked.Did everyone in the Underground do at least one pun in their lifetime?"Hello Steven.I'm Frisk,and this is Tourmaline."Frisk signed.Steven made a puzzled expression."Is that sign language?Sorry,I'm kinda rusty in that department."Knowing it would take ages for him to learn,Frisk grabbed a walking stick she had used to climb Mt. Ebbot, and spelled out their names:F-R-I-S-K-,and T-O-U-R-M-A-L-I-N-E- why did her name have to be so long?

"Oh!Tourmaline, huh?My dad's a Geologist.I actually have a collection with pink Tourmaline in it!But enough about me,that guy over there's waking up!"Steven pointed out.He was wearing a cowboy hat and holding an antique gun: Justice, the yellow soul.(you get it by now,right?)

He looked over at the trio."Howdy!I reckon y'all climbed Mt. Ebbot too,eh?The name's Cody,and don't ya forget it now, 'kay?"Cody asked/introduced himself."Hi Cody.I'm Steven,and those two are Frisk and Tourmaline.They'd introduce themselves,but they only use sign language,and..."Steven got cut off by Cody."Steven,huh?I have a cousin named Steven. Couldn't rope himself a cow if his left depended on it."Cody rambled on.He stopped when he heard moaning.

The four looked over to see a girl in a ballet costume waking up.It only took Frisk two seconds to realize that she was Integrity: the blue soul.She stood up and dusted herself off before talking to the rest of the children."Hello there.My name is Isabelle.Pleased to meet you."She did a little curtsy after that."Hello there,purdy gal!Why,I reckon y'all are the cutest lady I've ever met!"Cody tried to flirt with Isabelle.She was amused with his antics."Sis!?What are you doing down here? And more importantly, WHY are you flirting with a cowboy?!"Steven blurted out."They're related?"Frisk signed to Tourmaline."I guess so."She signed back.More moaning was heard after that-how many kids ARE there down here?

To the group's surprise,two kids woke up at the same time.Frisk looked around and saw that they were the last kids there-thank GOD.One was a girl,and she was wearing an apron and holding a frying pan- Kindness, the green soul.The other was a guy,and he was wearing a bandanna and gloves- Courage, the orange soul.They introduced themselves after that:The girl introduced herself as April,and the guy introduced himself as Zachary, or Zack for short.

"At least these flowers were here to break our fall."April observed."Yeah.That's fine and dandy for those of us who don't have pollen allergies-ACHOO!"Zack wheezed."Let's get going then.I don't want anyone hurt."Isabelle announced.The group walked down a hallway and through a purple  door into the rest of the Underground.


                                                                    end of chapter 1.

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