The Skin Fic

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"You need more sunscreen Sophia" Sophia bitterly mocks Joseph's voice from just yesterday. "It's not even that sunny" . She retrieves to the bedroom and stands next to bed, looking at the sleepy Joseph with a cocktail of love and anger burning in his stomach. Joseph's jaw drops open as his eyes flicker over Sophia's sun damaged and  peeling form. "I'm in agony you utter idiot". Sophia goes to pull away but death tightens their grip. Their bodies collide as Joseph grinds his soft skin into Sophia's tender and rough form. Joseph pecks his lips but diverts his attention to a strip of skin peeling from her neck. Sophia closes her eyes as Joseph takes the end of it between his teeth and pulls it away slowly. "Maybe I lied about you not needing sunscreen " Joseph Moaned.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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