Chapter 8- First Time?

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TChapter 8-

As soon as I got Andy's last text I ran towards his class room. What is he going to do? Is he sure it's josh? What the fuck was he thinking!

"Mr. Biersack." I said breathless as I entered his room. I realized he was in the middle of his 3rd period class. "Ms. Miller what is this about?" he said looking between me and the class. "Can I speak with you outside? Its something about the office." I said blinking rapidly. He nodded and followed me out to the hallway. "Hannah was is this about?" he asked scanning the hallway. Once he saw it was clear and stepped closer to me. "Your text it scared me." I said looking at him; taking in that everything was as it should be. I let out a sigh of relief. "Hannah that was out of anger. I'm a teacher for Christ sake." he said racking a hand through his hair in frustration. "So you're not going to do anything?" I asked; my heart beat lowering. "No I'm not but you'll have to. I cant lose my job right now. ok, baby?" he said softly rubbing my cheek. My eyes widen but nodded my head anyway.

I knew what I had to do but that doesn't mean I'll like it or even enjoy it

*I'm not doing this for me, or even you.* I texted josh as I left the school early.

*Oh she loves him. Come over later my 'rents are out of town* I sucked in a deep breath and gripped my steering wheel hard. Remember this isn't for you or even Josh. It's for Andy. He'll understand right?

I went home, laid down, and thought of my options.

-Sleep with josh or get Andy fired

- Leave them both

- Have people find out about us

I knew none of those were an option so I took a deep breath and got ready to deal with the devil. I took off my makeup knowing he hated it, and put on my black, lace bra and undies knowing he liked that too. I felt dirty and impure but I had to do what I had to do...

"Hey baby." Josh said as I entered his house. The night of the party came back to mind making me flinch at his voice. He saw this and looked down in a guilty way. "Do you want a drink or anything?" he said waving his arm towards the kitchen. I walked with ease towards his liquor cabinet and grabbed a bottle of gen. "This will do." I said taking a small sip to kill my taste buds. "You were always easier when you were drinking." he took me by my hand and led me up the stairs to his awaiting bedroom.

"I get the pictures first." I said taking another sip feeling the effects. He nodded and went over to his sock drawer pulling out at lease a dozen copies of the same picture of me and Andy. Seeing his face made my head spin more than it already was. I tore the pictures into a thousand little pictures. "You ready?" Josh asked pulling the bottle from my hands. I nodded and laid down on top of his bed. "You sure?" he asked his voice catching in the back of his throat. "Yes." I said weakly. He slowly unbuttoned my pants and took them off with ease. "Is this your first time?" I asked sitting up. "The fuck? No." he said rolling his eyes at my question. I helped him take off my shirt and laid back down on the bed.

He took in my curves and studied them like they were a work of art. "Beautiful." I heard him mumbled to himself. So it was his first time. In a careful manor he unhooked my bra and took off my panties. If I was going to do this I was going to do it right. I took off his shirt and pants with expert speed. He gaped at me with surprise but didn't try to stop me. He stuck in a finger and started to move slowly making me buck my hips in response. "You ready?" he asked again as I climaxed around his lone finger. I nodded my head with bliss still around me. He took off his boxers with speed, unraveled a condom on himself and put in his erection slowly getting a feel of what sex was really like. He trusted into me sending a slight moan out. He stared down at me not knowing what to do next. I moved my hips up and down teaching him slowly how to please someone. It didn't take long to send him over the edge.

"Do you really love him?" he asked as I pulled my clothes back on. "I just had sex with someone I completely hate. You just answered your own question." I said fixing my shirt. His eyebrows met in the middle in slight anger. "This stays between us, right?" I asked opening his bedroom door a crack. "Of course." he said rolling over so he was no longer looking at me.

hmmm so guys care about losing it too? You learn something new everyday.


"Did you take care of it?" Andy whispered in my ear as he went around class checking work. I nodded slowly. "I have to talk to you after class." I said my voice filled with regret and pain. He'll never forgive me. He nodded his head and went over to the next student with a question.

"So you took care of it?" he asked pulling me into his arms. I put my hands over his chest feeling the warm and strength it was giving off. "Have I ever told you you make me feel safe?" I said not taking my eyes off of his chest. "Hannah what's wrong?" he asked drawing way from me. "I love you." I said sadly. he let out a hearty laugh and said "You sound like that's a bad thing." "It is. I care too much." I said fixing my eyes on the wall behind him. I felt tears form in my eyes and spill over. "Tell me." he begged me making me look him in the eyes. I saw how beautiful he was inside and out. "I had sex." I stated biting my lip trying to stop the tears. "I know babe." he said cocking his head to the side. I shook my head no. "I had sex. With him." I said the sobs finally coming. "That's what you had to do to take care of it?" he growled at me. I nodded and felt my knees grow weak under me making me lean on his desk for support.

He searched my face for something; something I didn't have. "You had sex." he repeated back to me. He stood up straight, smoothed out his shirt. His eyes grew dead. "I'll see you tomorrow in class Ms. Miller." he said moving away from in front of me so I could leave. I bit my lip and walked slowly out the door. Trying to keep my calm in front of the strangers in the hallway. "Hannah wait up!" Josh called catching up to me. I turned around, still opening crying. "He didn't know did he?" he asked looking at my face. I shook my head no and turned to go to NEST.

I feel dead...

Andy Biersack: A teacher and A studentWhere stories live. Discover now