Chapter One♥️

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A/N: This is a flashback chapter to explain what happened 6 years ago and everyone is basically 13 or 14 years old but next chapter will be when they're 18 even if it is 6 years in the future😂😂


Freya's POV:

Today is the day. I honestly hate my parents so much. They can't separate us, we're a family. There are six of us but it will only be the two of us soon. The boys, Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton, will stay friends but it will just be me and Amy. I don't even understand why they would think that this is the best thing to do, we're doing great at school, we have made so many friends and our whole life has been here in Sydney but now, we have to tell our best friends were leaving, to go to London. All six of us are currently hanging out at the cliff, it's a special place to us as there has always been a good atmosphere to go and clear the demons away from our minds. The silence is broken by Amy speaking up, "Guys..." she paused, took a deep breath and continued, "Me... me and Freya..." She stops again, tears forming in her eyes and a lump in her throat. I try to hold mine back but as I bite my lip and close my eyes tightly, a tear rolls down my cheek followed by many others. All four boys, obviously knew something was wrong but still shown hints of confusion, as well as sadness, in their eyes. I decided to speak up as Amy could barely make a sound without breaking down and drowning in her own tears, "We're leaving." I finally manage to spit it out. The boys were all speechless and on the brink of tears, Luke and Michael were definitely the saddest to let us go. Our friendships are going to fall apart. Ashton won't pursue the roll of the big brother anymore, we will never be able to hear Calum's annoying voice of bossing us around, Michael and Luke will never be able to protect us from the future and prevent anything bad from happening. We relied on them to be our rocks, to catch us when we fell but now, we can only rely on each other, no brothers and no best friends. Snapping me out of my thoughts was Luke, squeezing me gently yet not wanting to let go and for this moment to end. He whispered quietly in my ear, with a tone filled with sadness, "When? When are you leaving?" I slowly look down at the dark green grass then to the light blue sky, "We're leaving tomorrow..." I stutter, my voice getting quieter and quieter every word. I flash my eyes towards Amy, the other three boys surrounding her in a group hug. I then tilt my head towards the blonde boy, who now looked a mess, his face pale and cheeks stained with tears, his hair messy from the amount of times he had ran his hand through it. Our eyes locked and I could see the once happy boy, who was now broken and lost deep within the dull, colourless pupils. He whispered to himself something I couldn't make out. I closed my eyes before taking a deep breath and reopening them once again. I realised the boy, who was once standing in front of me, was now on his knees, head in his hands. I whispered a small sorry to him and then laid down on the grass, staring blankly at the crimson sky. I was soon joined by everyone else, we just stayed there for a while, none of us daring to break the deadly silence, the only noise was the occasional sound of people passing by.

The next day:

I woke up lying next to all five of my best friends and spotted boxes and suitcases, filled to the brim, of our belongings. I sigh before sitting up and realising that I wasn't the only one awake, in front of me sat the dirty blonde boy, with the name of Michael. "Oh hey, I didn't think you were awake." He spoke calmly. "It's okay, I just can't sleep. I guess coming to the realization of having to leave today is just tearing me up inside." I felt so guilty to be leaving the boys. I just can't do it. After we all woke up, got dressed, and had breakfast, it was time for us to go to the airport. I said my goodbyes to everyone but when it came to Luke, I couldn't help but lose it and feel so regretful, the amount of chances I could have took to just tell him that I liked him, a lot, but I didn't. At least I don't have to break his heart. I finally managed to whimper out a goodbye but he just shook his head and moved my hair from in front of my face, and whispered in my ear, something he did regularly, "It's not goodbye, we will see each other again. I promise." He spoke with a small smile yet tears spilling out of his eyes. He held out his pinky, I copied his action and interlocked them together. "I will wait for you," he whispered after we had hugged and I started to walk away, "forever and always." And with that we got in the car and drove away from my life.

A/N: 900 words!!! First chapter done, extra long to begin the story😏 I feel like this chapter will probably be the the longest. Next chapter will be up soon and will be in 6 years in the future. Okay bye WaterMelones😂♥️🍉🐧
-Freya and Amy♥️

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