The Giant

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Once upon a time,there was a giant that has a sword, a town believes he slays evil giants. Now one day kids became lost in a forest full of cr@p and the cr@p belong to the giants who wants the private parts of the kids, now the giant is sleeping when he woke up cr@ps are raining. When he got away from the raining cr@p he tried to slice one big cr@p but he cant so what he did is go to a blacksmith and make a new one but he does'nt have enough moneh. Weelllllllll what he did was kill the blacksmith.

When he went to the place he was cr@pped on, the cr@ps were gone but all he saw was a woman, when he came close the womans face was like this(got to this website( yah happy) he tried to slay the woman but he cant, shes too fast, he has one last choice, bring the girl in the forest where the kids were gone, because he saw her mouth was full of Cr@p and he plans on letting her get attracted to it, when they reached the forest the kids were just playing, but it seems somethings wrong, they seem to be controlled

                                                           Wait for part 2!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2013 ⏰

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