The Demon Lord

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Name: Mido

Age: Unknown (Looks around 19)

Race: Demon Lord

Gender: Male

Appearance: Mido has jet black hair that falls to the back of his neck, and over his ears and eyes. His eyes are crimson and his has two silver horns poking out of his hair, and a black tail. He wears a black cloak that reaches down to his knees, under his cloak is a black shirt with a dark gray chest plate over it, and black pants with dark gray metal boots and gauntlets.

Height: 6'2

Powers: Increased speed, strength, and stamina. Teleportation. Telekenisis. Heartfire, a black shadow like flame that he has full control over. The flame is able to quickly harden and forge into anything that Mido needs it to be.

Weapon: Heartfire. He uses the black flame to create many different weapons for his fights, though if he gets serious, the flames will become a single edged great sword.

Extra: Gravity seems to get slightly stronger wherever he goes, as raw power radiates from him, weighing down on all that comes close to him. Though he does not show it, he cares deeply for those who serve under him.

Back story: Over 10,000 years ago, a war broke out between the kingdoms of humanity and their allies, and the kingdoms of demons, led into battle by their leader, Mido, the demons slowly crushed humanity. However, the last day of the war did come, and with the help of many magic users, Mido was sealed inside of a tomb, meant to stay there forever. Thousands of years later, the seal began to weaken, and Mido was freed by humans that did not know what they we're doing. And from there, only time will tell.

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