C1-The well and the cabbages
In a farm, There was a well a well where they get water. When Dawud enter the farm he get a water to the well and try to live in the farm. Dawud went at the market to buy seeds that he will plant. Dawud plant a cabbages for his mother and father. When a beggar was thirsty, The beggar plead for water but They ignore the beggar and Dawud get a water on the well. Dawud give it at the beggar and He give too the cabbages. Dawud's parent ask Dawud "where is Our food?" He answered " I Give it to a beggar" and They drink the water in the well. Dawud was hungry finding foods but no one give him and when the beggar see him, The beggar give the one give for there family . In house, They eat happily with the beggar and the beggar lived with them happily.
C2-Shopping at the Mall
In the house, Maryam wake up early and They go early at mall. Maryam bring extra money for shopping and Dawud bring too extra money. They go to mall and Maryam found the new sale book she was interested to buy that but her money is not enough. Dawud see the new book but for him it's uninteresting and Dawud see a toy. Dawud was interested and He get his extra money but her money is not enough. They faster go to there mother at a chair and The first is the two of them. They force there mom to buy those things but there mom buy the 2 Qurans. Dawud and Maryam read it and They are now interested at reading Quran.