Chapter 1

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Rainbow Dash POV

As I walked out of Pinkie Pie's house, half covered by the sweet chocolate frosting of her newly baked cupcakes, my cutie mark shines out a bright color indicating that there's a problem on the cutie map.
    "Oh, come on! I just ate..." I moaned heavily.
    "Oh come on Dashie! I bet it will be super duper fun!" Pinkie said as she jumped circles around me.
    The air was freezing, the grass was smothered by thousands of raindrops, and the dirt roads were surprisingly dry. Me and Pinkie turned a couple rights and lefts through our streets as we shuffled past ponies to get to the castle. The December winds came early this month to greet Ponyville, with it's icy blast. As me and Pinkie neared the castle, I stopped to dip my head in the icy cold water for a refreshing sip of ice water, my favorite.
    "Hey! I told you not to say my name like that, you know that. Just call me Dash alright?" I swallowed the last bit of water that remained in my mouth to allow my words to exit. Pinkie just smiled her usual toothed smile as we ventured towards Twilight's castle, my rainbow hair still dripping beads of water from the icy river.
"Why can't I call you Dashie?" Pinkie questioned as the dirt sprayed up from the wind, stinging my eyes.
"I have reasons, I just don't like it when ponies call me that. That's all to it." I tried to smile, but the cutie mark kept buzzing as it ruined my thoughts about the cutie map.
"Oh, okay then. Bye!" And with that Pinkie bounced her way to the sprinkle shop, shooting up pebbles of dirt for each bounce she does.
    When I finally arrived, the doors were shut closed. I had to fly up to find a passage way through a window to get in. When I did get in however, the floors were horribly cold and the air felt frozen almost. Each sound I made, echoed deep in the light purple hallway. I found my way to the meeting room, and two shivering mares await for me.
    "Rainbow! Where have you been!? Fluttershy and I have been waiting for you for at least 20 minutes!" Twilight's furious eyes were the one to greet me first.
   "It took awhile to get here, calm down." I sternly said to make an excuse. I looked around a little and my eyes landed on the cutie map.
    "Ugghh, we can discuss this later. For now it seems that the cutie map holds better importance than your little excuse," Twilights eyes narrows down to look me right in the eye, " The map sent you and Fluttershy to the Frost Lands, I have no idea where you can find a friendship problem there, but oh well. I found time to pack you both bags, you better get going. The bags are by the door, good luck you two." Twilight trotted away satisfied with what she said.
    "Ok well we better get going right?" I asked my childhood friend, Fluttershy.
    "Um, y-yes I guess. Are you sc-scared at all? Because, I'm terrified..." Her cyan eyes lined up with mine, filled with fright and unawareness as a streak of her light bubblegum hair fell down onto her face. Her yellow legs were shivering from the cold in the castle, as her wings tried to conserve heat.
"It'll be alright Flutters! Plus, we don't exactly hang out a lot alone, so this is a good hang out oppertunity!" My eyes were fixed on hers, trying to give of a warm feeling to her cold and scared body. Fluttershy waited for a minute, then nodded and we grabbed our bags and threw them over our backs. When I found the window that I came in from, I helped Fluttershy creep out the tiny space that was open. My hooves pushed hard trying to give the window a budge to fit me through. When I got out, I saw Fluttershy with a tear in her left eye, it streamed down her cold skin as it plopped down on the snow filled grass.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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