Chapter Two

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Well here I was plain jane Sofia Jones standing in front of the tall mirror that stood in the corner of my dorm room, Kat stands behind me waiting for any expression to come on to my face. For the last three hours Kat has polished, brushed and straightened even done my make-up and got me dressed, now as I stared back at myself I see how she has still managed to keep it look natural, I still had my slight tan from the summer passing, which just made my skin glow. I looked over my face first with a touch of concealer hiding everything I didn't want anyone to see, my eyebrows arched eyebrows gone over to make them look full and nice, next was my eyes brushed with a gold and dark browns with light eyeliner going round my big bright blue eyes, my eyelashes almost touching my eyebrows, my eyes felt heavy from everything that was on them but again she made it look natural, my average small lips with a dark natural pink, and my hair straightened to within an inch of its life. It was longer than I thought it was, as I have thick wavy hair it doesn't tend to get much treatment. But Kat's made it look like I've spent the whole day at the hairdressers, and finally I was wearing one of Kat's navy blue dresses that hugged me tight which was making breathing a struggle it looked amazing on me it only came over one shoulder and fell to just above my knee's the high heels I was wearing matched the dress and they had navy silk ribbon that wrapped around my ankle. I look back to my face, it's small my high cheek bones that I was blessed with doesn't seem to match my face, I was always the girl that was called 'cute' never sexy or hot but looking back at myself now that is what Kat has achieved but also simple elegance involved in the mix. all in all I was impressed. I have never been made up so well. I gleam at Kat in the mirror and she exhales the breath that she must have been holding in. I turn around to look at her and almost shed a tear as I pull her into a hug. 

"Thank you, I look amazing, thank you so much!" I give her a tight squeeze before pulling back a little. 

"What can I say I'm gifted, now go get that bottle of wine I have in the fringe, I can't finish getting ready without a pre-party drink." Kat shoo's me off to get the wine and I come back with the bottle and two glasses. I pour the drinks and hand one to Kat, she takes a gulp of it and puts it on the dresser and starts taking out her rollers one by one, I sit on the edge of my bed with my legs crossed enjoying the crisp taste of the wine, I watch Kat as she puts the finishing touches on her black hair with blue streaks through it, the loose curls fall to just below her shoulders, and her make-up is the complete opposite of mine, opting for dark shadowy eyes that make her blue eyes come to life, and red lipstick that might look trashy on me but she makes it look amazing. Kat is really tall about seven inches taller than me I thought I was average height before arriving here but apparently standing at five foot two inches isn't that average around here. she's really slender and her pale skin complements the loose fitting plunge back red silk dress she has on. To me it looks like a night gown but I'm not judging. Kat leans down to put her feet into her higher than high black pointed heels. she smooths herself down before looking at herself in the mirror from every angle. She looked like one of the devils demons but absolutely amazing! She finally smiles at herself in the mirror clearly satisfied with what's starting back at her. She takes a large gulp of her wine before setting it down again and turns to look at me. 

"How do I look?" She says however I think she already knows my answer as it will be the same one it always in when she is going out at the weekend. 

"Amazing! you've outdone yourself again." I say with utter confidence the girl could seriously do some magic with makeup. 

"Aw shucks! your going to make me blush, come on let's go, I thought we could go out for dinner first its never good for your to drink on an empty stomach. Also I'm starving!" I nod my head putting down my finished glass of wine, picking up my black clutch and Kat picking up hers, we walk out of the dorm room, and the madness has begun, girls flying between rooms, with half straightened hair or with only one eyelid covered in eye shadow if I wasn't so used to it I would have been scared lucking the guys don't come up to the girls dorms at this time, they wouldn't risk they're lives. they were missing out in girls half naked though helping each other get ready but none of them know that. we walk down stairs a get outside into the chilly winter night, there are still some students walking around campus mostly boys and they all stare at Kat and I. which is a revelation, it feels amazing, guys whistle at us as we pass and Kat flings them the finger. I pull my black leather jacket closer to my body. hoping we arrive at the restaurant soon or else I'm going to catch a cold. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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