Chapter 2

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-Shark's pov 

"Don't move." I was aiming at a person that had entered the building. "Don't hurt me please! " the person yelped in surprise. It was a girl with a black jacket, long, redish-brown hair, and with her hoodie . She didn't look any older than fifteen and had put her hands in the air, surrendering. "Who are you?" I said as I lowered my gun. "I'm Cathy. Please don't scare me like that again."she said. 

-Ghetto's pov 

"What the hell is going on in here? " I said as I entered the kitchen. There was a young girl in the middle of the kitchen along with Shark. "Hi." she said. "Who are you? What are you doing here? "I demanded. "I'm Cathy and I had come in to town on a supply run.  What's your name? " she responded. "I'm Ghetto and this is Shark. Now back to my original question. What the hell is going on? "i said. "I found her sneaking in." shark said.  "You have a place to stay in?" I said after thinking for a bit.  "Yeah.  Its not too far. About thirty minutes away on foot. " she said, " its safer there than in here." 

-Cathy's pov

"I guess we can stay for the night there. What do you think Ghetto?" Shark said. "As long it isn't a trap,  I'm okay with it. " Ghetto said.  "Just one more question. Is there anyone else with you? Person or animal?"  "Just one guy. "                                                           " Ok. "                                                                                Finally new visitors. " I'll go loot the other house while you pack up." "Give us a few minutes. We'll get Sabre. "Shark said as they rushed up the stairs. Later we started walking along with Sugar following me. She was trying to hurry. "What's up with your horse? " Sabre asked. "Little Sugar wants to get home for her carrots. Slow down, girl. " I said as Sugar tugged me forward. "So... where do you come from? "                                    "Atlanta. We were attacked there. "                   "I've always wanted to go to the CDC.  Is it still up?" I said.                                                             "We don't know. "Ghetto responded.                "Oh. Why were you in Atlanta though?"           "It's kinda confidential information. "Shark said. Then Ghetto punched him in the shoulder. Hard.  "Ow! What was that for?!" Shark yelled and both Sabre and I bursted with laughter. "Your reaction! You should have seen your face!" I managed to say between my giggles.                                                          

-Shark's pov 

When Cathy and Sabre finally managed to control their laughter, we had found a cabin that had a long porch. Cathy showed us to our rooms. I was the  last one and asked her where she was going to sleep. Each room was already taken by the guys. "I am going to sleep in the barn. If you guys need me, I'll be in the hay loft. "she said and closed the door behind her. Can't believe this girl is helping us when I had found her. I wondered about it a bit more before I fell asleep. 

-Thanks for reading the second chapter of my story. I'll see if I can manage to post another chapter tomorrow. I'm sorry if the chapters are short but I'm a sloth when it comes to typing. (Sneak-peek: next chapter will include a secret revealed, building trust, and new friends.)


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