Jack the Green-Eyed Monster

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"Jack time to wake up for School" Said Jack's mom cooking breakfast. "Okay mom " said Jack getting ready for school. As jack gets ready for school he notices his Septic-Eye Sam was on the floor then notices that his cat was under it wagging its tail. So he picked up the Sam and grabbed his cat Tiny -Tim then he put the cat on the bed and put the plush on the shelf. then brushed his teeth and went downstairs to eat breakfast. As jack ate breakfast he seen that he was late for school so he grabbed his jacket and backpack and sprinted as fast as he could to the car to get dropped off for school. as he was going to school he went on his phone and checked his twitter and noticed he got 1,000 more followers and his jaw just dropped. then a few minutes later he goes to school and sees his Best friend Mark and then they walked into connections together and played on their phones till class started.

" Okay class today is Social Studies and today we are going to do latitude and longitude , so i am putting the papers up on this table and please work but be quiet because it is a Pre-Test. "Mark ill get the paper for you" Said jack smiling. " Ok thanks Jack"Said Mark getting a pencil out of is binder. As jack grabs the paper for mark and himself and gives one of the pre-test papers to mark he starts to work on it. " Done"said jack and mark at the same time. And the whole class just bursted out laughing because it never happened before. Well a few hours past and they both walked home together because they are next-door neighbors. so jack asked if jack wanted him to come to his house and play the Ps4. so he did then they played world at war II. "it's nice outside wanna bring this outside and hook it up to my long cord i just bought" Said Jack. "Sure why though"Said Mark. "well i don't know cause my mom said i need to go outside haha"Said jack laughing. As they set up the Ps4 they say a stray cat stuck so they helped it out and let it go. "that poor cat"Said Mark. "yea i know lets name it Stiches" Said Jack. "Yea sure sounds great" Said Mark. They play World At War for 3 hours then mark walks home. "Bye mark" said jack putting away the Ps4. "Bye Jack" said mark walking away.

     The Next day

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The Next day. Jack wakes up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water but then notices that his eye was green for no reason so he hid his eye from his mom and friend mark. "OMG WHAT THE HECK WHATS GOING ON WITH MY EYE IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE BLUE NOT GREEN!"Said Jack screaming. "Jack whats going on"Said his mom mumbling and yawning. "OH NOTHING THE CAT SCARED ME THAT'S ALL!"said Jack Stalling. " ok well go to bed" said jack's mom. "o..ok i will"Said Jack Stuttering while he talks. As jack walks back to his room he says it his head"OMG WHAT AM I GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS!"said Jack in his head. well i'm going to bed till tomorrow.

JackSepticeye THE green eyed monsterWhere stories live. Discover now