Chapter three. More texts

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<Jays POV

I was so grateful that Zane gave me Tessa's number... I wish he would've given it to me sooner. Being on the exact opposite side of Ninjago from Her was hard... I want to call her names and tease her again....

I continued texting her until midnight. I think the clicking of my buttons was getting on Zane's nerves, "did she reply?" He asked with sarcasm in his voice.

After the team split Zane's emotions and slang got better the more he was around me... "Yes she did!!!" I said still happy about it.

He laughed, "don't overwhelm yourself. For all you know she could have a boyfriend by now!" He chuckled again.

I blushed red, "I don't Like her! She's my enemy I'm supposed to hate her and call her names and stuff!"

Zane smirked, "keep telling yourself that..." He walked into his room and I was now the only one awake.

I send another text, "Well I gotta sleep, see you later Deadbeat! ;)"

I laughed thinking of her reaction, I knew she never overreacted when I called her names. Right now she's probably rolling her eyes or laughing.

I soon got a text saying, "nighty night! Hope the boogie man eats you! ;P"

THAT made me laugh. I threw my phone onto my bed and dived after it, I plugged it in and started to read through the messages. I noticed there were a lot of "so..." And "yyeeeaah....." Time wasters, as I call them....

I laughed when I noticed Tessa sent most of them,... Wow.

My thoughts were interrupted when I started to feel drowsy. I pulled my shirt off, and pulled my blanket over me. I quickly fell asleep after that.

<The next morning>

I woke up to my phone vibrating uncontrollably!!!

I picked it up and it said "94 NEW TEXTS"

"WTFUDGE!?!" I yell whispered and checked them out. I think you can guess who sent them.. Yep... Tessa.

I noticed a lot of, "WAKE UP GAY!!!"

I laughed and replied back, "I'm up... I'm up....and I'm not gay...-.-" I took a new pair of clothes out of my dresser and took them into the bathroom with me along with my phone.

Oddly... After I sent that I didn't get any texts back... Really? Pick out my phone down, did my regular bathroom stuff and looked at myself in the mirror. I definitely looked different than before 4 years ago....

My hair is longer and lighter, I'm acne free now, and my face is just... Well it just looks different....

I stopped admiring my beautiful reflection when I finally got a text back from Tessa. She sends, "FINALLY!!!! :3"

I shrugged and walked out of the bathroom, I grabbed a poptart from the kitchen sat on the couch eating it while texting.

It was the usual stuff from last night... Friendly name calling, insults and sly remarks.

"So... You don't like her huh?" I noticed Zane standing in front of me! arms crossed, smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes, "she texted me first!" Which was True!! But he didn't believe me!

Zane just laughed and walked off into the kitchen and it smelled like he started cooking... I hated myself for eating that poptart....

I mentally punch myself then Go back to texting. I switch from texting Tessa to her brother! Lloyd. "Hey bro!" I typed and set my phone down for a bit, I sprawled myself out on the couch and just got comfortable as I got a reply.

"Wazzup???😆😆😆😆😛😛😛" He texted with a bunch of random emoticons at the end. That always bugs me...

"Nothing much, texting you and ur sister." I replied turn on the tv.


New chapter!!! X3



Yes u r!!!!


Anyways, next chapter will be up soon!!! Bye!


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