Chapter 3

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Hey guys, sorry this so delayed, i had really bad writers block lol. Also sorry this is such a short chapter, there will be more coming soon though. Hope ya like :)


Beau drifted all over the dance floor, going after any girl he could get his hand on.  

His head had been spinning the whole car ride to the club, so much so that he couldn’t even argue with the other boys on what club to go to. He just kept thinking about Daniel, his thoughts racing with confusion. He kept thinking of things he wasn’t ready to think about, things he had been denying for some time.

So as soon as he got to the club he was pouncing on any distraction he could find, whether it be girls or liquor, neither of which there was a shortage of. As he forced himself on girls, he occasionally caught his mind drifting back to the closet, imagining he was kissing Daniel, the way he smelled, the way his lips felt so right against his… but Beau drowned those thoughts with alcohol.

Time past and eventually he blacked out, mindlessly wandering the dance floor, drinking continuously and kissing strangers. He got so drunk that he couldn’t stand anymore and while making out with this tiny, squeamish little blonde, he collapsed on the floor. The blonde let out a shriek and scattered way.

Daniel heard the commotion from the balcony and peeked over the ledge to see what was going on. He felt a sharp pain in his chest when he saw Beau lying face down on the floor with people just stepping over him. None of the other boys were anywhere to be seen. Daniel was quickly on his feet and running down the stairs. He shoved people on the dance floor out of his way until he got to Beau.

Beau was still conscious, just really really groggy. Daniel flipped him over on to his back and Beau groaned. Daniel put his hand on Beau’s face and Beau opened his eyes a bit. He mumbled “Skip..” and shut his eyes again.

“Come on Beau, we gotta get you up. We gotta get you home.” He slide his arm underneath Beau’s shoulders and lifted him to stand. He was very shaky on his feet and put almost all of his weight on Daniel.

Daniel lead slowly lead Beau off the dance floor, practically carrying him. He clenched his teeth in frustration. He was mad at Beau for being an idiot, he was mad at himself for letting this happen but mostly he was mad at the other boys for not looking out for Beau. What would have happened had Daniel not heard the commotion below? Beau could have died out there, and the others would have been clueless. He shook his head and started heading for the door.

“Oi, what’s going on here?” Daniel turned to see the voice was coming from their booth. It was Luke, who had a tall brunette sitting on his lap, fondling his chest. Next to them Jai was hooking up with some red head and James was whispering to a giggling blonde who looked far too young to be at a bar.

“I’m taking him home.” Daniel said coldly.

James looked up in confusion, momentarily breaking conversation with his girl. “But the party’s just getting started!” he slurred out, raising a pint above his head.

“Look, Beau nearly passed out in the middle of the dance floor.” Daniel was shouting now. “I thought we were all brothers and were supposed to be looking out for each other, but you boys clearly have more important things to worry about than one of you best mates.” He repositioned Beau on his shoulder and started walking towards the door again.

“Hey wait!” Jai’s voice called out behind them, but Daniel did not turn back.

 When they reached the front door Beau started to gag.

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