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---Jaiden's pov---

It's a regular, cold and boring day at Tahoe High school. " Jaiden! what have you finished today?" As Ms. Reynolds pulls my ear buds out of my ear and stops me from drawing on my hand, I slowly looked up from my desk to look into the spawn of satins eyes of hers and replied with a slight huff " you tell me."

Everyone silently chuckles.

"Ring! , Ring!"

"That was the bell class get out of here!" Ms. Reynolds yells. I get out of my squeaky old seat and head for the door in a very slight power walk to see if I can beat my best friend to are lockers. It's a competition only we could understand, I find myself giggle a little bit.


As I run into the new guy that has so many friends he shouldn't even be counted as a new guy. My books go every where. We both reach to pick up the books, as we slowly come back up we make eye contact. I can just feel the butterflies come flying in as fast as they possibly coul- as Im interrupted from his deep voice " I'm sorry, are you ok?" I reply with a simple "Yes, thank you."

We walk from each other we both look back at the same time. I push the thought of him away as I run into Riley, my best friend. " Heyy" she says so excitedly as if she is the most happiest person in those halls she says " so who was the boy? you crushing?" We just bumped into each other that is all, I said. She gave me this look as if I were to be crazy or somethin. " Even if I were to be crushing.. or whatever it would be too true for it to be real. It would be just as every other love story at this school." Riley gives me a sigh while saying " ok.." in this such a down tone.

"Ring!, Ring!"

There's the 6 minute bell, we giggle as we scurry to our classes.

We walk through the door as Mr. Rosentale screams " Late!" while hitting his desk.

"Have a great Fall break." You hear the principal say on the speakers.

As I get off the bus to walk home later that afternoon I see a dude. " Hey" it's the dude I ran into today, now that I see him in light he actually is pretty cute.

"Shit come on Jaiden your gonna mess this up!" the voice in my head speaks always at the time I don't really need it.

I ignore it, It's not like it's a date. He walks up to me and hands me my book from earlier. It was my book I write in he says in this innocent voice hesitating  " I hope you don't mind I read a couple pages and honestly your a great writer, your so deep." My face brightens from how embarrassed I was.

We get to walking and run to our houses.. we're neighbors! I couldn't tell at the moment if that was a good or bad thing.

--Later in the week of Fall Break--

I had a couple meet ups I was needing to go to with Riley. We get to the cafe where it was at and of course with my luck I saw the guy. "I don't even know his name." I say to myself.

This time something's new. Riley is with him she is sitting at a table for two with him, their laughing and seem to be enjoying their time I hear Riley say his name across the room.. Lucas. I can't seem to say anything or make any expression, I couldn't quite tell what was wrong with me at this moment.

I fall to the floor, passing out. Having a dream Lucas and Riley ended up living this perfect life leaving me to sit in my own sorrow for what felt like a lifetime.

I thought to myself Riley she is a im perfected beauty, a different kind of person, someone who isn't exactly like the others.. no wonder he would fall for her.

I slowly wake up to the sound and sight of talking and what seemed to be 20 people. "Woah, what happened?"

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