Part three- First Day

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After about 10 minutes of walking Charlie and I stopped Near a huge beautiful tree. In front of me was  flat grassy land, a gorgeous blue sky, and the Golden Gate Bridge.

I ran up to the edge of the plain we were on. 30 feet below me was water. I could feel the wind in my hair and I just stared at the breathtaking bridge In front of me, for what felt like hours.

I was so distracted with the view I hadn't seen Charlie pull out a Polaroid. I heard the snap of the camera and turned to my left.

"What are you doing?" I tilted my head in confusion.

A smile played on the red headed girls lips. "I really like photography. You are kinda physical perfection, do you mind if I take pictures of you?"

I blushed at the compliment and laughed a little. No one had ever complemented me. I  didn't have friends in school...but I didn't want to think about that.

"Thank you Charlie but I'm really not. You can take photos of me but on one condition"

"And what would that be?"

"You have to show me all your other pictures"

She smiled and said "deal!" She began to take pictures of me.
For the next few hours we sat by the tree and just watched the bridge.
The people.
The clouds.
The cars.
The water.
The grass.
Charlie showed me her photos. They were all quite extraordinary.

After a while we became a bit chilly and decided to go back to our dorm. Tomorrow was our first day of college. I was terrified



yes I understand this isn't what an actually alarm clock sounds like, but to me it did.

Around 6:00am I heard both mine and Charlie's alarms blare  through the room. We had to get up so. Damn. Early. 
And I was NOT a morning person

I rolled out of bed and got up to take a shower. I brushed my teeth and attempted to do my hair.
I kept combing through my thick black hair with blue highlights, but it wouldn't stick down. It was an uncontrollable mess so I just decided to throw my black beanie on.

I wore my tank and pants that were required for dance. I grabbed my bag and waited at the door for Charlie.

Around 6:20 she came out of the bathroom with her skirt and those special shoes that look painful.
We had ballet first today.

"Mornings beauty"

"Morning bee" she smiled that contagious smile and we walked down to the hall

It only took up about 5 minutes to find the right classroom. We got there early so we decided to stretch.

"Hey did you hear about the instructor?" Charlie asked me while stretching her one leg.

"No, who is it?"

"Apparently he's the best in all of CA! But I talked to some people and they say he is so strict-oh hey there they are! Guys come over here!" Charlie yelled to a group or other ballet students.

"Oh hey Charles! Who's this"
A blonde girl looked at me with a bright smile on her face.

"Jo, Kevin, ash, meet Castiel. But call him Cassie it's easier"

"Hey I'm Jo Harvelle nice to meet cha'" She extended her hand and I shook it along with the two others. Kevin and ash.

"Kevin Tran" he was short and had black hair. He seemed nice

"The names ash but you can call me Mr. Super MicAwesome Vill"
Jo punched ash on the shoulder.
"Oh god don't call him that"

I laughed. "Are you guys JVs too?"

"My mother is married to the guy who owns this place so I've been dancing here all my life" jo responded immediately. I could tell from her posture that she had been dancing.

"Me and ash are though" Kevin answered. He was about to say something else but the doors swinging open interrupted him.

A tallish man walked in. He had that same sharp jawline I say yesterday. 'Huh that must be him' I thought.

When he walked you could see his muscles moving through his tank top.
He ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair and set his bag down.

"Everyone at the bar!"
He yelled in a deep voice to the class

We all lined up, boys on one bar girls opposite. Attention directed to the gorgeous man in front of us. I was immediately fascinated with him.

"My name in Mr. Winchester and I will be your instructor for the year. For those of you who have been at the SDA before, welcome to Upper year. For the JVs let me give you a warm welcome!"

"The rules in my class are simple and if you break them, I go to Mr Singer right away. No exceptions!" He was walking back and forth slowing, looking at every one of us. His eyes landed on me for a split second. The looked green but I couldn't tell from a far.

"If you are late to my class more than 3 times this semester, office. If I catch you drunk or high, office. If you are disrespectful in my class, office. If you are not prepared, office. You will speak and refer  to me as 'sir'. Do I make myself clear?"

The whole class responded to him with a "yes sir"

"Let's begin"

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