{•enoch o' connor part 2}

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I decided to put this at the beginning because who reads them at the end, amirite? So I do edit some imagines sometimes so don't get alarmed if it suddenly says that I updated the book but then it's the same thing you read a while ago, anyways, I won't be updating 2 times in a day so don't expect lol. By the way if you were wondering, the characters are based on the movie but they can be from the book if I feel like it or if you requested it. I would really appreciate it if you requested something with some details you want on the imagine, okie dokie now, let's get onto the part 2 of my first imagine. (Phew that was long)

^Enoch's POV^

I looked closely at the wound trying my best to look at what was happening. Ms Peregrine told me that we should stitch it up but while I was examining it, I saw a blade that was still stuck inside.

I took my scalpel out of my tool box and did my best to get the tiny blade out before she gets infected. Once I was able to see it, I took my tweezers and picked the tiny blade out. Blood came rushing out and I wasn't really that disturbed at first because I was used to it but seeing it but it was y/n, so it just made me sad.

Ms Peregrine decided that she would be the one who would sew it up and I will just hold her body.

While Ms Peregrine was patching her up, her body kept twitching and she held my hand. Me forgetting about her peculiarity was surprised when I felt unbelievable pain that was going on in my shin.

I screamed in pain and Ms Peregrine kept on telling me to go but I didn't want to leave- I wanted to help.

After that, I saw the same cut on my shin, it was scarring. I didn't mind it because I didn't want Ms Peregrine to worry about it.

"Mr O'Connor, I am truly proud of you. You always thought that your peculiarity was a curse but think of it as a blessing. Your peculiarity gave you a talent and I don't think you know it. I do hope you have a different view with your peculiarity from now on," Ms peregrine said with a smiled on her face and her eyes full of sincerity.

I nodded but it was truly a lie. Nothing can ever change the way I see myself and my peculiarity.

We went on with the day as it normally would. Ms Peregrine continued with whatever she was doing and I went back to the basement to work on my homunculi. But while I was doing it, I wasn't exactly able to do it properly because I was too worried with y/n. What if she needed help? What if she need me?

Ugh stop it Enoch. What a dumb thing of you to think of. She's fine. It was just one bloody act of kindness you showed and that's enough for one day.

This has what has been going on in my mind the whole damn day. Until supper, I was sad she wasn't on her usual seat and everyone was suspicious of me because I was "more quiet than usual". They were whispering sure but their bloody voices were too loud.

I went on to check on her one last time before I headed to bed.

^Y/n's POV^


Oh Jesus my head hurts as hell and so does my shin!

I looked at the injured part of my leg and saw that it was wrapped around a gauze. I stood up which was extremely hard that I almost tripped. I opened the door but I felt someone opening it from the outside. They gave up and I pulled it open and I saw Enoch.

"Good Morning," I told him with a smile and surprisingly he smiled back and nodded.

"Wait a sec," his mood suddenly changes into a worried one

"Should you even be on your feet? Is your shin okay? Is it still bleeding? Is it-,"

I cut him off by giving him a kiss on his cheek. I didn't really see that it was Enoch who healed me but by the looks of it, he would be the only one who would be able to help me and I heard Ms Peregrine calling him before I passed out. I also gave him one because he cared for me to ask me if I was alright and that was enough.

I let go and gave him a hug. He hugged back and I didn't really want to let go since I don't want him to see my red face.

"Thank you," I said still hugging each other.

"For what?," he asked

"For caring." I said with a smile as I inhaled his scent.

"When no one else did." I said and I knew he was smiling. I felt it. There was a connection between us that I have got no idea of but maybe one day, I'll know what that connection is and I think I already know it and maybe one day, I'll be able to tell him.

He was oddly wearing shorts and not slacks and I tilted my head as if asking him why he looked like that.

"Oh that, I just woke up and nobody's awake yet actually." He said and I told him to come in my room.

While he was coming in I saw a scar on his shin and I asked him what happened. He told me about it. If I wasn't careless and selfish this wouldn't have happened. I won't cry of course. I was sad though. To think that he was trying to help and I hurt him.

"It's cute tho," he said, squinting.

"How the hell is that cute you weirdo?," I said as we both giggled.

"You know how couples give each other matching bracelets, matching rings and all- well ours is unique. We have matching scars," he said as he smiled and I just cringed thinking how dark it is.

"It's not helping you know," I said

"I'm not trying to help. I want you to realize something. Now that we have matching couple something, the only thing missing is the couple." He said with a smile and I was extremely shocked like you wouldn't believe.

"Are you saying?," I said still in shock

"Yeah, I do like you y/n. I don't even know why. I mean we're not that close. We don't talk that much but then again I feel like we've known each other for centuries. I don't wanna do things too fast like I don't want us to be together all of a sudden but I do hope we change how we treat each other. I hope we hang out more and get to know each other," he said with a hopeful smile.

"Of course and I truly agree with you. Now why don't you change, you look like a hippie," I said as he laughed

"It's the trend of the century isn't it?," he said making the weirdest vogue pose and I slapped him.

Let's just say we did take things too fast because with just 3 weeks of us trying to get to know each other, we were already head-for-heels for each other that let's just say we were sneaking out at night just to snog each other's faces off.


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