The Decision

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Disclaimer! I did. Or write any of these characters or story lines that appear in the Harry Potter franchise that all belongs to jk Rowling!

Hermione stood solemnly in front of Lily and James Potters' grave. The war had only just ended two weeks ago, Voldemort was dead and the wizarding world was finally at peace.

"We lost so many people in the war," she muttered to herself.

Harry was coping and Ginny was helping him through it but he was still incredibly depressed; with all of the marauders dead he had no connection to his parents at all. Through his own depression he was trying to be a happy loving godfather for Remus' son Teddy.

"I have to fix this," she decided. She took a rusty looking time turner out of her pocket and rotated it 24 times willing it to take her back to the past where she so desperately wants to go. After rotating the appropriate amount of times it began spinning and suddenly she found herself still in Godrics Hollow but on a very different day. The grave she had been standing in front of was no longer there and a small cottage across the street that had been ruins just a few moments ago. Hermione knew what she had to do, she walked right up to that cottage and knocked.

**Hey guys I know it's short but it's basically just an intro to the story an ill add another chapter soon! I also wanted to let you all know that this is taking place before Trelawneys prophecy**

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