Diary Entry 4

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Dear Friend,

Leina came home crying last night. She bolted up the stairs and slammed the door, locking it, before anyone had the time to register what was even happening. I tryed to console her. Knocking on her door and asking her if she was alright was no use and I was fuming at my sorry excuse for a mother. Dad was working late in the office which didn't seem to be unusual these days, and mum, well she chose to instead, drink away her sorrows and be put to bed by her 16 year-old daughter.

I've been telling mum all year to take the lock off of Leina's door, but she's never conscious enough to fully intepret what I'm even saying. Joel, Leina and I are practically raising ourselves. I can't even remember the last time we had a family dinner all together. I don't know how I'm going to survive high school with two more years left, since both Joel and Leina are leaving at the end of this year. For twins, they're so different, but at home we're all each other has.

After I put mum into bed I went to check on Leina again and I was positive that she had not only locked the door, but barricaded it with her book case. Joel was asleep and I was tired, but I knew I'd feel sick and guilty if I were to just leave Leina in her room as a total mess.

In the house, my room is right next to Leina's; so I opened up my window, climbed onto the roof then crawled across to her window. She'd left it a tiny bit a jar which was lucky in my case. Leina's sobs only got louder as I etched the window higher with every push. I climbed inside her bedroom and I couldn't believe my eyes.

She'd smashed her mirror on the ground and there were glass shards everywhere because of it. All her photos were ripped into shreads and there were clothes everywhere. As much as I wanted to cry I knew I had to be strong. I had no one to cry anyway and my sister needed me more than anything.

I did what I always did. Pushed the hatred and pain into a tiny jar at the back of my heart. As soon as my feet touched the seemingly cold floor of Leina's room, she flung her arms around me and wept. I took me a few moments to realise what she was saying, but when I heard what she'd said, my heart broke ever more. "Dee...I'm pregnant" she'd said through muffled tears. I'd nearly stumbled, but the expression on my face was hard.

I felt cold on the inside, hard and still. Why? Why would she do it? With Miles, was an ever bigger question. I felt the jar at the back of my heart expand with my pain. I could feel it press a lump into the back of my throat. And as much as I wanted to scream and cry and collapse to the floor, I knew I couldn't.

Leina didn't have to say anymore for me to know what Miles had done to her. I'd hate to even think what city he was in by now. All I know is that he's is long gone.

I have to stop now, I'm sorry. Good night.

With Love,


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