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“Why did you even bother?” I heard someone say in an angry whisper.

“I don’t see how it was your choice to make Nathan.” A voice snapped back.

You shouldn’t have risked your life like that!”

“Last time I checked I run my own life. Now get out.”

“Fine be stubborn see if I care about you!” Footsteps receded and I heard a sob. Thinking this would be a good time to get up I groaned and opened my eyes. Elena Fisher didn’t notice she had a hand over her face and was crying softly.

“He’s an ass love, don’t listen to him.” I stated. Her head jerked up and her hand rubbed her eyes.

“You’re up.” She said changing the subject. Trying to sit up I gasped as pain ripped through my side. Dropping back down on the bed I took deep breaths as the pain dyed back down again. With concern she propped my head up and handed me a glass of water. Gulping it down my throat cheered as the water ran through it.


“Anytime.” She replied awkwardly. Slowly I drew my hand out in front of my face. Little cuts covered it probably from the shrapnel. Grimacing I set it back down on the bed.

“How long have I been out of it?” I asked looking at her. The blonde’s face was blank and unreadable but her eyes were wet and full of pain. “Hey, Elena right? Don’t let that ass hat get to you.”

She smiled lightly but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Yea I’m Elena and you’ve been unconscious for 8 days.”

“Damn. How’d I get here?”

“Transportation wise or why are you still alive.”

“Both if you please love.”

“Well…I saved you and I dragged you back.” She looked down scuffing her shoes on the floor.”

“Oh pity I thought Heaven thought I was so angelic they sent me back.”

She snorted and shook her head this time the smile did slightly reach her eyes. “When up dropped the grenade I picked it up and threw it. Don’t you remember?”

“All I remember is to the point when I dropping the grenade.”

“Well I grabbed the grenade and threw it. You grabbed me and shielded me from the explosion. Most of your arm took the damage. Plus you had wounds already.”

“You… saved my life.” I asked again. Why? Why would someone who doesn’t even know me bother?


“Why bother. Drakes right I’m not worth it.”

“Everyone deserves a second chance.”

“As I said before you’re not the plucky girl who reforms the villain. Sorry love to disappoint but I’m just not the hero.”

“Who ever said all villains are bad.” With these words she left.

“There’s no saving me.” I whispered even though I knew no one could hear me. My body was still so tired but my mind was not. Giving in I fell back to sleep my dreams of falling, falling into Hell.


“Flynn. Flynn.” I felt someone shake my shoulder. Grumbling I turned over only to feel daggers stab into my wounds. Quickly I went back into the other position I had been. The pain from my wounds waking me up. “I brought you something to eat. You’ve got to be hungry.” The smell of meat hit my nose and I nodded.

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