Chapter 2

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I looked at the 5 boys in the van with me...TIED UP! Da fuck?! Let me catch you up. I was grabbed and flipped over one of the boys shoulder and took me to a van. They grabbed some rope and tied me up. LOUIS, LIAM, NIALL, ZAYN, AND HARRY!! I looked at them.

"What the actual fuck?!" I yelled at them, "I don't want to see you! I don't want to know you!! Heck, I don't even want you following me on twitter!!!" I yelled and I felt a hand grab my arm. I looked at see Harry.

"Listen here! You will not say that! We are trying to be your friends again!" Harry yelled. I looked at him with the angriest look ever!!

"AND WHOSE FAULT WAS IT THAT WE ARE NO LONGER FRIENDS?!" I screamed. Harry's face fell. I sighed, "What do you guys actually want?" I asked.

"Well, boys good job." I heard a voice say that I had despised ever since I met him. Simon Cowell. I whipped my head around and glared.

"What do you want?!" I asked angrily. Simon's face turned angry. He raised his hand and flinched. He scratched his head. Louis was looking at me curiously.

"Listen, you will do a collaboration with my boys and you will be friends with them and you will-" he started but I looked at him.

"Excuse me!! Last time I heard I was being demanded by someone like you, I was being told to leave!!" I said and all the boys winced.

"Please a collaboration with the boys and act like your friends with them. You guys are going to be living with them. Please we just want you to help them sing and write a track for them to play!! Just help them out!" he was...begging? I felt my phone vibrate. I looked at the boys.

"One of you want to answer that?" I asked. They nodded. Liam answered it.

"Hello? This is Liam Payne. Um yea I will tell her. Okay bye Thanks." I looked at him, "That was some person named Logan." He mumbled. My eyes widened. I looked at him. My breath started to come out in gasps and I started to shake badly. My mind was racing. I couldn't breath. I wasn't going to live. My brother just called me. The one that said he had wanted me dead. I started to cry. I felt warm hands slip under my chin.

"Calm down, Oliver. Its okay. You don't need to fret." Louis's voice was so calming. I tried to breath.

"Louis." I mumbled, "Thanks." I said as I caught my breath. He went back to the corner of the van. I looked at them.

"Lets cut the ropes off of you." Zayn said. I felt him untying the knot. As soon as the knot was gone I spread my arms out. I looked at Louis. I heard a lot of rumors about him. He abused everyone. He would sleep with girls and then ditch them. I got up and slid next to him.

"What?" He asked. I sighed. I kissed his cheek.

"Thanks." I whispered. The others were holding their breathes.

"It was nothing." he mumbled. The boys looked confused.

"Louis you didn-" Liam started to say. He glared.

"I would never." Louis hissed, "Not to her." I looked at them all confused. I looked around for my purse. I picked it up and grabbed my pills. They were for my anxiety. I put one in my mouth and looked at Niall. He handed me his bottle of water. I took a sip and swallowed it. I was still a little shaky. I looked at Simon.

"So when will I be set free?" I asked him.

"Soon. Be patient." He said. I nodded. I looked out the window and fell into a peaceful sleep.


I looked at Oli. The boys were so scared of me hurting her but she was one of those people that I could NEVER  hurt. Yes, all the rumors about me abusing people was true and I ashamed. Also, all about how I sleep and leave girl is true. I guess I couldn't help it after I saw Eleanor walk out of my life with Tom Perry. I sighed. She was so gorgeous. Her brother, Logan, was an ass from what Harry said. When Liam said that it was him, I just knew she would have an anxiety attacks. Harry use to tell us about them when she wasn't there so we knew what to do if she ever had one. We caught on quickly. I looked at Simon.

"Why can't we take her to our house?" Niall asked like she was a dog.

"Niall, we can't keep her. She already hates us." Harry said. Niall sighed.

"I miss her." I said. The boys looked at me sympathetically. I sighed and looked at her gorgeously small body. Her hair fell to her waist and she had the cutest little smile. I just...I find her to be the most beautiful girl ever. I felt a small smile grace my face. I looked at the boys.

"Boys, I think its time for some of our people to meet her." I said and we all grinned.

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