Chapter 2: Late Detention

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( 2 weeks later)

Mia's POV

2 weeks have passed now and surprisingly I'm in exactly the same state I was since the first day of school. I thought I would be bullied or beaten by now, but I guess that only works in movies (aka Diary of a Wimpy Kid). However bullying is real and I should be grateful that there are no bullies in this school and hopefully never will be. I say this because I was bullied and even though it was just a few months of tormenting till the bully moved onto her next victim, it still hurt like hell, both emotionally and physically.

Anyways as I had said two weeks have passed now and all the students in half our year, including myself have gotten to know each other much more better than before. Scratch that! We act like we've known everyone since nursery. All of us don't shy away and stay in the corner of the canteen and wait till class starts, we join each other instead. Us lot don't ignore each other, instead we annoy people and wait till their heads explode (not literally though). So basically what I'm trying to say is that, this is how we have acted since the first day of school and most probably till the last.

Now you must be wondering why I had said half our year rather than the whole year. Well our school is divided into 4 sections meaning that the first 2 sections have class together and the second 2 sections will have class together. Therefore I only know half my year rather than the whole year, but that doesn't mean we can't see each other, we do, but in break.

I may know this side of the year, and some of the students that went to the same school as me on the other side, but have never not yet atleast set eyes on a student from our year on the other side. Maybe that day might just be today, you never know what life has in store for you.

"Mia your going to get late, you need to leave!!!" Dad yelled from downstairs.

"Okay, okay I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I thought you loved me father."

" I do, but you do realise if you don't leave right now I'm going to get late too."

"Good point." I took my bag and ran down the stairs as fast as I could, and let me tell you now it wasn't really that fast.

" Hurry up Mia you've only got 10 more minutes till the bell rings and then you'll get detention, and I dont want my baby girl getting detention," Dad scolded as he checked his watched.

" Don't call me that dad, I'm not a baby girl, I'm a big girl but don't call me that either because that just doesn't sound right...right?"

"We don't have time for this Mia, I need you to put your school shoes on and walk to school as fast as you can because running is not going to help."

" Urghhh okay bye dad." I rapidly put my shoes on, waved my father goodbye, also said bye to my little brother and then sprinted down to school like nobody's business.


I finally reached the school gates, loss of breath at the speed I've been running at, hoping to have the rest of the day better than the present, unfortunately the front gates are closed meaning that I have detention on the first month of school. Urgghh why isn't god on my side, I mean I've always been a good girl, good grades, nice to people, never sworn in my life. No! Screw the last one I've sworn a few times, but apart from that I don't see why god doesn't appreciate me. Oh well, no time to complain whats done is done and there is no changing this time all you can do is just learn, I mean that is why you are in school right? Learning from your mistakes, or is it just plain old maths to help you get a stupid job that you don't really want. I got 7 years to figure this out I think I have enough time.

Ashamed of this educational crime, I tediously walked towards a small open gate in the corner of the entrance to get through to the other side. As I did I had noticed it wasn't just me who was a late, actually there were quite a few people from many years standing in a messed up line, waiting to get their detention slip from the teacher and head off to class as quickly as possible. I joined the students at the back of the line waiting patiently to get rid of this torture. Once my turn came up, the lady infront of me asked for my name, wrote down the class number I should be heading to for detention, and dismissed me from the line to give the slips to the next lot.


Once I stepped inside the class of my first period, my teacher Miss Layton gave me a look of fury as though she was getting ready to commit a murder. This lady was one of those strict and stern egg heads that didnt give a damn for anything apart from education. But that was only a disguise as everyone, and I mean every. single. person in this school including the teachers, knew the real Miss Layton. You may think why dont they fire the lady if she commits these actions, however no one has any proof as to what she does outside of school, therefore we cant fire her....oh dammit!

Nevertheless there is a rumour going round that only one teacher had witnessed her dirty actions, had known her from head to toe, inside to out... and most importantly had the ultimate proof to get this wicked witch from the west, out of this school building and never come back again. However no one knows this teacher, not even the teachers know the teacher, and you want to know why they dont know this teacher. They dont know this teacher because... the year 11s pranked us into thinking this was all real, and that Miss Layton was a stripper who was taking drugs. I dont have anything to say apart from telling myself to never ever ever have a dirty mind when I'm their age. I mean how can those numpties imagine a 50 year old lady with fat square glasses and crinkles on every inch of her face, to jump on a pole and dance till shes nude, ew just.... ew.

And to think I would turn into Sherlock Holmes and investigate which teacher had the proof. But on the other hand, instead of investigating this fake yet interesting mystery, I discovered why Miss Layton was a grumpy old bum head. I thought the mission would be hard so I got a microscope and a notepad so I could get more clues but it wasnt hard at all, and trust me when I said it wasnt hard. In fact I just asked a girl in my registration class as to why she was like this and that was pretty much it, the answers were rolling off her tongue like god knows what. So the truth about Miss Layton was that her husband was cheating on her and broke off the marriage because he got his 35 year old "girlfriend" pregnant. I dont think Miss Layton should be grumpy at all because I bet in a few more years time his girlfriend will leave him just like he left her. I dont even think that his girlfriend loves him at all, isnt it obvious that she wants his money rather than his love. Anyway, the only reason Miss Layton was giving me the dirty eye was for her love crisis and my tardiness as she is obsessed with the attendance of this class.

" Before you say anything Miss, I would like to explain to you why I was late,"

"Go on, I would to love hear your excuse as to why you nearly ruined the chances for our class to win the attendance cup of the year"

Sheesh! Her voice can get colder than her glare.

" Well you see m-my dads car ... it had b-broken down... and then I had to- "

"The truth Miss Mahmood!"

" Urghh fine, I didnt realise the time because I was over thinking."

" What an idiotic excuse but very well atleast your lying skills have improved"

" But Miss I wasnt ly-"

"You can sit in your assigned seat now."

And so I did, there's no point wasting my breath on her we all know who's going to win. In the meantime i just need to sit down and try to get in my head at the fact that this is my first ever detention.

Oh god help me now.

To those people who actually bothered to read my book I bless you all, I know I have not updated for god knows how long and I apologise for this, but in my defense I thought nobody was reading. Anyway I will not give up on this book and will try my best to update as quick as possible. However if you would like a quick update then I want atleast 150 reads and 10 votes.


>>>>> Picture of Miss Layton on the side>>>>>>>

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2014 ⏰

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