Day 1

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«Alex POV» 

I walked out of the coffee shop and started on my way home. As I walked into my house, I noticed that there was a new family moving in next door. This was news to me because no one had lived there for almost two years. I walked in the house and went straight to my room. I changed into workout clothes and began lifting weights. I had to keep my image as hottest guy in school of course. I was your typical IT guy, I had all the ladies after me and I was the star runner on our track team. 

My mom came into my room and told me to come down for dinner. I sat at our table and served myself and ate silently. My mom and I had this routine where we ate then stayed after and talked. I finished and suddenly recalled something that I knew my mother would have an interest in. 

"So mom, a family moved into the house next to us today," I said casually. 

She gasped and stood up and went to our pantry and began pulling random ingredients out. I stopped her and asked what on earth she was doing. She looked at me as if I was the dumbest person that she had ever met. 

"I'm making a pie for them, honestly I can't believe you're just telling me about them now!" she answered.  

I looked at her like she was crazy and went upstairs. I took a shower before going back downstairs to watch the football game. My mom came up to me and told me to pull some shoes on because we were going to introduce ourselves to the neighbors. I sighed and did as I was told. We walked the short distance to their house and knocked on their door. A girl answered and quickly called for her parents. Two people appeared at the door and smiled warmly. 

"Hello, I'm Jane Nye and this is my son, Alex," my mother introduced. 

The woman smiled and said, "I'm Joanna and this is my husband, Mark. We have two daughters, the one that answered the door was Aspyn, and our other daughter is Ema. Ema, come down here please, we have guests! Oh, how rude of me, please come in!" 

We crossed the threshold and sat on the indicated couch. A beautiful girl came down the stairs and I smirked. Another girl that will fawn over me. She looked at me then looked away as if dismissing me mentally. I frowned everyone loves me, how can she dismiss me so easily? 

I stood up and sauntered over to her. I held out my hand for her to take and said, "Hi, my name is Alex, and you are?"

"I'm Ema," she said then walked away, over to who I'm assuming is her sister.

I pulled my outstretched hand back before walking over to where she and her sister were. They both looked over at me before turning back to their conversation. I stood there for another three minutes before realizing that they weren't planning on incuding me in the conversation, so I slowly walked back to where my parents were, pretending that, that was my plan the entire time.

"That is such a great idea," Started Joanna, "but I'm afraid that Ema wouldn't be able to join us, she'll be.... away for awhile. She's actually leaving tomorrow, but I'm sure that we'll be back in time to join you for dinner. Thank you so much for the invitation."

"I don't mean to pry, but where is Ema going?" Asked my mother.

"Yeah, is she going to a camp or something?"I piped in.

Joanna tensed up and looked over at her daughter. She nodded absentmindedly and said, "Yeah, something along those lines."

The way she said that made me even more curious, because that obviously wasn't where she was actually going. I didn't get a chance to further question Joanna because my mother started pulling me towards the door.

"If you ever need anything, you know where we are and you can just call me if you can't make it tomorrow for dinner. Have a wonderful evening." My mother said and with that we walked back to our house.

We were hardly in our home before my mother started chattering on and on about how fabulous Joanna was and how she is so excited to have her and her family over for dinner. I just rolled my eyes at how enthusiastic she was being. Meanwhile I couldn't that girl, Ema, out of my head. She was just so different from any other girl I have ever met. I kept thinking about her until I realized how weird I was being. She was just some chick I had met, I mean, I already have a girlfriend. A girlfriend that I'm going to see at school tomorrow. A girlfriend that I like..... I think?

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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