Chapter 6

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Today was horrible !!! Wanna know why ?

Ok so I got to class late and my teacher started saying , "you should not be late , next time you get detention " blah blah , then this slut just came out of nowhere and said

"Why are you wearing that , you're such a little h*e " she said

" are you sure that's me , I mean you are barely wearing any clothes ;) " I said

The class laughed .

Then she got up and slapped me !!!!!!


So then I slapped her back and started punching her .

She was in the floor not doing anything .

Like really who does she thinks she is slapping me .

My teacher had to call security to get me off her . -_-

I was pissed

No I was MAD!!

and guess what ? I got suspended -_- fuck it I don't care

A/N : I'm thinking to give up in this story since nobody reading it . :/ I'll think about it !!!


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