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Please read prologue! it will truly give you a great under standing of what's going on in the next chapter.



He stumbled through the door clearly drunk Again, bringing another girl home, *sighs*. He pulled her over to the couch nearly tripping over, she laughed; he pulled her over so that she was sitting on his lap he gripped on to her waist and began kissing her roughly as she tugged the hem of his shirt she slowly broke away from the kiss and whisper in his ear

" I know we've just met but I want to love you"

he stared at her then spoke

"sweetheart I just wanna fuck, love is overrated" he paused

"at least for us" he said and with that he got off the couch pushing her completely off him and made his to the kitchen. He went to the cabinet to grab some vodka and chugged the liquid down not even giving thought about his girlfriend of 2 years was upstairs...

She who was upstairs was still waiting for him to come home from his little "occasional" parties. she had known he had brought another girl home cause of the laughter that belonged to a girl coming from downstairs. A tear began to slid down her cheek.

Sometimes she wondered why was she still with him?

At times he can a jerk. but other times he could be sweet, Real sweet. She just couldn't see herself leaving him.



So what do you guys think ?


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♥ well bye for now

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