Birthday update fighters!!!

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Hey my peeps it's time for the party update.

On Oct 25 is my birthday and I'm having an Oc and Drawing challenge. You can do either or both if you want or you don't have to do any.

Drawing:For the drawing contest, You may draw anything that requires me.

How I look:

Hair:Black, curly, medium/short height

Eyes:Medium Brown

Skin tone:Cocoa brown

If you want to draw a picture that I want then this is what I request:

Me and Noob Saibot.

Again you do not have to draw this you can draw anything that requires me.

(You do not have to color it but if you don't, bold out the picture)
Oc's:For the Oc's also, something that involves me but this is different. You need to add these for this Oc.

Noob Saibot x Jb (Birthday present)

Mention me

Everyone throws a party

At least 1-2 romantic parts

Mention my birthday

Noob gives me a present

( don't care what it is)


Just mention my birthday and put Noob in there.
(Again, you do not have to do the requirements for the drawing or the Oc's you can do whatever that involves my birthday.)

I thank you all who do this because I feel people care about my birthday it makes ME FEEL AWESOME.

Even if you don't do this at least give me a shout out on my birthday.


Results will be posted Oct.23-25

Well thanks for reading, thus is the first update.✌

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