The Titles Don't Even Go WithThe Story & I've Got Mixed Emotions About That

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I don't understand why, but it feels like my thoughts are in slow motion. And I'm so dang tired.

"I thought she would be awake by now," I hear to my left, along with some creaking. 

It takes some time for me to register that I know the voice, even longer to put it together that it belongs to Alex.

"Everything we've read told us it would be a while," someone replies to him. That's Jack's voice, right? "Your mom agreed. It's getting late bro, you should rest."

"What if she wakes up, though? She might-, or I-" Alex stops talking and sighs.

"I'll stay down here with her," Jack replies. "That way someone will be down here in case she wakes up, and I can get you when it happens."

It stays quiet for however long. It's kind of hard to judge time for some reason. The long silence is interrupted by Alex worrying about leaving me.


Don't go. 

Jack hates me now. I can't face him alone, Alex.

Stay, stay, stay.

But he can't hear me.

"Fine," Alex gives in. "I'll come back down when I wake up."

Back down? Wasn't I in Alex's room, upstairs?

"Ruby, what are we gonna do with you?"


I don't know why, but after twenty minutes of silence, I look around Ruby's bedroom. 

It's integrated into the basement, so once you come downstairs, it's just a part of it; no separation. There's a white dresser pressed to the wall in the corner. Standing ten feet away, paralleled, is Ruby's bed.

Ruby lies there, her small frame making waves in the black comforter. She's turned, facing the dresser, her blue hair draping over her face. You can just barely see the tips of her natural roots peeking out.

Woah, wait, I'm supposed to be talking about the room that I never seem to notice.

Because of Ruby...

Right, black comforter/duvet or whatever you want to call it. It matches the curtains.

Hold up, this is a basement, why are there curtains?

I walk forward, my knees pressing against the face of the trunk at the foot of the bed and reach for the curtain. My fingers grip the edge of the fabric and I freeze.


Ruby shifts in the bed, pulling the heavy blanket over her head. I wait a few seconds after she's still before moving again.

Letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, I pull the curtain back. Lying against the wall are four canvases drenched in paint. I push the curtain back a little more and step back to look at the art.

The first canvas is blood red, for the most part. I don't know much about art, but I think there's a pond and some trees painted in the center. I look to some scribble on the corner of the material and see 'Oasis' written in sloppy handwriting. 

Maybe that's the name of it?

Painting number two, well it looks a lot like Alex. Alex Wearing a beanie, looking all serious in a leather jacket. Except, he's got facial hair for some reason.

Like Alex could ever grow facial hair. Pft. (a/n: see photo)

El painting number tres resembles a memory straight from my life. It's Ruby and I when we were dyeing our hair blue. There's so much detail in the small scene, I don't know what to describe.

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