I wish

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I wish you where still here I wish God didn't take you away I said softly as I got ready for bed.  After the argument we had the other night mamma hasn't been the same, she ask questions like where have you been??? Or why is it since your dead beat daddy died you haven't been the little sweet 15 year old I gave birth to ?? . Little does she know I'm the same person. Today she's taking me shopping because school starts next week I'm excited but I'm also nervous I used to get bullied a lot I wish I killed my self when I had the chance to.  I miss my dad.  If he was still alive she would not treat me so bad but I'm going to always do what she tells me not to do because in her words "your the child I wish I never had"

~kiki 💕

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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