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I got tagged by Kiptops about a week ago.

Favorite song: IDK... But my mom played a really cool mashup from YouTube:

And I like the song 4am by: Huntar

I think that was it...

Favorite sport: No offense... But I hate any type of activity where I have to move and sweat.... So no.

Favorite band: Uuhhh... I like Clean Bandit... and I thought there was another one.. Idk.

Favorite show: Steven Universe!

Favorite movie: I don't really have one.

Favorite color: Metallic Pink... Or any metallic color.

Favorite food: Soup and fries!

Favorite drink: BLOOD. Well... I prefer water.

Favorite game: Mario Kart (it's pretty much the only game I've played besides... Hide and seek.)

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