Moments that last forever...Literally

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Quinn walked to the Blitz machine and got a Raspberry Rumble, the only one of the juices she trusted because come on! No juice should be so thick you can't see through it! She jumped on the couch smiling and changed the channel and smiled as Girly Cow came on. She grabbed a bowl of popcorn and fruit and settled in the couch sighing. Alone and comfortable. All of a sudden someone pecked her right cheek saying, "Hey babe." She scrunched up her nose in disgust as her boyfriend sat next to her all sweaty. "You couldn't shower before coming here?" He grinned, "After basketball I missed you so much so I came to see you." As he was talking he leaned closer and put his arm behind her and grabbed the popcorn off her lap. She put her hand up by her lips rejecting his kiss. "Mnm mnm. Go shower. You stink." He smirked before pecking her quickly and standing up. "You love my natural scent babe! Don't deny it." She rolled her eyes and threw a kernel at him. He winked and jogged off to his dorm room.

Logan walked into his room to see Michael with whipped cream under his arms. He grabbed his towel shaking his head. "I don't even wanna know dude."

As Logan closed the dor Michael smirked and clicked his tongue as a giraffe peeked through the window. "Hey buddy. Want some more armpit cream?" All of a sudden the dorm room opened and the dorm father walked in. He froze and looked from Michael to the giraffe before slowly walking out. A few seconds later he burst back in looking at Michael. "Was that a GIRAFFE?!" Michael shook his head quickly before running out the building screaming.

Quinn sat up as she heard a scream and then see a giraffe walk pass. She shrugged before relaxing then it clicked. "Giraffe?!" She stood up spilling popcorn all over the floor and passed Stacy Dillsen and yelling, "Hey Stacy!" The girl just glared.

Zoey sat on her bed bopping her head to the music coming from her headphones as she flipped the page of her chemistry book. Lola sat on the chair near the desk with her foot propped up painting her toenails with precision and concentration. Just one more swipe and -
Quinn burst in startling the two girls. Zoey looked over at Lola who turned around slowly with a scowl on her face. "QUINN!" Quinn gasped as she saw Lola covered with polish. Her foot was green and so was her bare legs. Her white shorts had splatters of it and so did her cheeks. Quinn cringed before saying, "I'll fix it later. There's a giraffe outside!" Zoey's mouth dropped open. "Are you serious?" Quinn tilted her head at her. Zoey jumped out of bed and ushered Lola up. "Come on! Let's go see it!" Lola motioned to her body and Quinn held up a poncho she made. Lola cringed, "Ew. No Quinn." Quinn scoffed and Zoey sighed as she pulled the poncho over her. "Now let's go!" She yelled grabbing their arms and running off.

Chase lay down in the sun relaxing as a shadow blocked the light. He sighed loudly thinking, 'Why won't they leave me alone?' He sat up before taking off his sunglasses and glaring at the yellow and tan print stomach. Wait stomach? He screamed as he jumped back, falling off the chair and the giraffe leaned down to look at him. He held his breath as it licked his nose. Its probably the ghost of the toy that Zoey gave me that Logan ripped. He sat up in realization then leaned back again. "Logan killed you. Not me." He then ran off towards the main square.

Logan shook the water off his hair with a towel. He jumped in fright as he saw the bearded guy sitting on the couch. "What are you? A hobo or something?" The guy scoffed stroking his beard, "I am Jones. Tell Zoey I say hello and out for your past is coming back." Logan narrowed his eyes at him, "How did you know Zoey?" He held up his hand, "It does not matter. Go. A girl named... Quinn is looking for you. " Logan sneered at him, "You're a freak." Jones smirked and bowed his head, "Honored. Better go to your...bae is it?" Logan's face contorted to confusion as he walked out the room. "What's a bae?"

Quinn, Zoey and Lola looked around before Chase ran to them. "Chase what's going on?" Chase shrugged, "I don't know but I haven't fallen today so that's awesome." Zoey rolled her eyes as Logan came running up to them. "Hey! Quinn babe you were looking for me?" Quinn tilted her head, "Yeah but, how did you know that?" He shrugged, "Some weird bearded dude in our room. Oh and Zoey he says hi." Chase looked at her, "Why are you friends with a bearded guy?" Zoey threw her hands up, "I don't know him. He's really creepy and cryptic all the time. Like some sort of psychic or prophet or something." Chase sighed and pulled her closer into his side.

Zoey rolled her eyes blushing. "Whatever. Have you guys seen the giraffe?" They all shook their heads and Chase pointed to Logan, "You're dead by the way." Logan held up his hands, "Why me?" Chase shrugged, "I don't know maybe... you killed Zoey's giraffe!" Logan sighed, "I thought you forgot about that!" Chase glared at him and Zoey smiled before pointing behind Logan. "It's peeing in the fountain." Michael groaned running up to the large animal, "No Sadie! Not there!" Quinn laughed pointing at him, "I knew you had something to do with this!" Logan's face scrunched up, "Is that why you were creepily staring as you put whip cream under your arms?" "You did what?", Everyone said confused. Michael chuckled nervously before running to the animal and hugged its neck. "Isn't it cute? Come on guys!" All of a sudden the animal let out a deep throaty noise that made everyone jump before Michael pulled away with a squeak. "It's gonna kill us!", Michael exclaimed running behind his friends. They all screamed as they giraffe kicked the fountain making all who was near it completely soaked with 'contaminated' water. The girls screamed in horror before a click was heard in the distance but they didn't hear it.

Ayla walked around fiddling with her camera taking pictures of animals that creeped slowly across the floor. All of a sudden she heard shrieks and ran towards the fountain and laughed loudly before taking a picture and smiling. "Good. I officially love it here."

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