Chapter One

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the darkness was endless. I could not see a thing. Nor had I any clue of where I was, and how on Earth I got here. I didn't even have recognition of my own name or family. I slowly traced my fingers along the ground. Trying to find something, anything, to give me a clue of where I was. It felt something rough and surprisingly light. I scooped some of it up and held it in my hand. I could feel it scrunched up in my finger nails. I hated that.


That was the first thing to come in mind. I remember dirt. It was brown, and mushy, and helps the flowers grow. A vague memory flased into my head as I remembered planting marigold flowers in a garden. It was spring time, my favorite time of year. The sky was as blue as it could be, no matter how cheesy that sounds, and the sun was shining brightly down on my skin. I gave a slight smile as I ungrasp my hand and let the dirt fall. It was so quiet I could hear the little grains of the soil crumble to the ground.

I slowly reach my arm above my head and feel for an open space or anything to help me escape from, well, wherever

I was. I felt nothing. assuming it was safe, I slowly stood up. Moving my body up higher inch by inch. I stood up straight, from head to toe, and I surprisingly didn't hit anything. A clump of dirt slid down my back as I looked around.

I must have fallen. But from where..?

Then something quite starting happened. It was the first sound I had heard since, well, since whatever time I woke up. The sound was soft but had an unpleasant feeling along with it.

Then a hand reached through the roof. Shocked and a scared to DEATH, I jump backwards.

"Grab On!" someone shrieked.

Unsure what to do and terribly frightened, reluctantly I wrapped my fingers around the hand.

"Oh!" I gasped. The hand was extremely cold. It felt like holding onto a freezing icicle. I gradually was lifted upward out of the, well, whatever it was. Once completely free, I quickly pull my hand away and take a step backwards. From this angle, I was able to get a complete and perfect picture of the person who saved me. Maybe he even saved my life.

It was a boy. He looked about my age. Although, I still wasn't sure my exact age so I don't know.

"Are you okay?" the boy asked. He look genuinely concerned, but I didn't care.

I didn't move. I didn't talk. What could I even say? Frankly, I didn't even know if I was okay or not. I look over to where I was trapped. There wasn't any kind of house or structure there. Nothing except an open field with dried grass. Then I realize something.

The ground. I was underground for who knows how long.

I begin to survey my surroundings. I saw nothing but a couple of old, big trees and a squirrel run across, right by my feet.

I NEED to find out more. What day is it even?

Anxious to find out more, I search my body. There were a couple of bracelets on my bruised wrist and a light blue watch.

The watch. I remember a watch! My parents gave it for my birthday!

Wait, where are they? And my little brother! I remember him too! what's his name? Brendan? No, Brody?, Brady..? YES! BRADY! That's his name!

"How do you Feel?"

I almost forgot the boy was here. I had so much to ask him. But still none the less, I continued to ignore him.

"Isabel, are you okay?"

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Thanks so much for reading! Critiques are helpful to me so please comment so I can improve! More chapters on the way!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2014 ⏰

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