Someone In The Dark

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Chapter 1- Someone In The Dark

Diane snatched her versed jacket and walked out of her apartment door locking it behind her. She managed to walk down a flight of stairs before remembering she left her book bag on her kitchen table. "Dang it," she hissed under her breath. She scrambled up the stairs into her door. She felt around for her keys in her jacket pocket and pulled them out. She promptly jammed the key in the slit and turned it. Diane hastily grabbed her book bag and slid out the door, locking it behind her, again. She hurried it down three flights of stairs and ended up in the lobby. "Well Miss Diane, you better hurry, you don't want to be late for your first day of school." intoned Joyce, the lady at the front desk, who was also a mother type figured to Diane since her real mother had died. "I know!" Diane laughed. "Have fun sweetie." Joyce called as Diane stepped out the front doors of the building. "Thanks!" she answered back. Diane unlocked her car door and got inside. She looked in her mirrors and backed up out of the parking space and sped out of the parking lot. She glanced down at her watch. "20 minutes till class started?!" Diane screeched. She pressed the gas pedal a little harder.
Diana pulled into the parking lot where the class was going to be held. She glanced at her watch, once more, to find out that it was 8:55pm, five minutes before the class was to begin! Diane hopped out of the car and entered the building, which seems empty. The building was set up like a City Hall sort of. The desk set unoccupied with the tattered paper spread out all over the place and a half from plastic cup of some sort of brown liquid. "Am I at the right place?" Diane thought a loud. She reached into her almost forgotten book bag and pulled out the paper with the address on it. 351 North Pkwy. "yep I guess so." She answered herself. Ding dong ding dong, dong dong ding dong! A grandfather clock chimed out of nowhere. "crap!!" Diane cried. "I'm late!" She searched the address paper for the room number and needed to be at room 829.
826... 827... 828... Number 829. Well here it is. Diane peered in the skinny window on the door. Five students sat at the desk. The teacher, who had his back towards Diane, had a black curls to his shoulder and tan skin. Should I go in? I mean I am already late. Maybe I'll just come back tomorrow. "hey there's someone out the door!" A student yelled from inside the classroom. Dammit you retarded ass kid! Diana thought to herself. Everyone stared at Diane through the window until the teacher came to the door. "hello,are you in this class?" A soft, charming voice asked. Diane looked up into his eyes. His big brown eyes. Wow Diane thoughts herself, he's absolutely stunning! "Yes," she mouthed. She wasn't sure if any sound came out, but there must have because he opened the door wider for her to enter the classroom. He giggled, "come in." She spotted a desk in the back and went to it to sit down. The teacher went back to his lesson. "British literature in the late 1600s was...." He began. Diane stared at him, in total admiration. Those curls up, and his sweet eyes. Oh and his soft, kind of voice. Oh my gosh, he's a perfect... And kind of familiar looking. That face.... I've seen it before. Diana studied the rest of him. He was wearing a red button up shirt with black slacks, white socks and black loafers. I'm crazy, Diane thought. I couldn't have seen him before.
The bell rang at 11 PM. Diane couldn't believe it had already been two hours. She hadn't listen to a single thing he had said. She was too busy staring at his beautiful face. All the other students jumped out of their seats and made a beeline for the door, while Diane casually arose from her seat and gathered her things. She then walked to the teacher's desk, where he too was gathering his things. " for coming in late.... I forgot my book bag at home and then I had to go back to get it then I couldn't find this room and..." "it's okay."he interrupted, smiling at her. "Ha okay." Diana chuckled. She took two steps back and then turned for the door. "Wait! I didn't catch your name!" The teacher called. " It's Diane.."she shyly replied. "Oh, mines Micha- um Daryl, Daryl Jackson." "well Mr. Jackson, have a good night." She smiled. "thanks, you too!... Hey Diane... Wait up!" He called and met her at the doorway. She grinned. They walked out into the hallway in all the way to the front door. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Jackson." Diane broke the silence. "Alright, see you then." He softly giggled. Diane walked to her car and climb in. She turned and watched Mr. Jackson get into his car. She smiled as he drove off. She reached and turned the knob on the radio. Through the speakers a Bon Jovi song played. "Take my hand, we'll make it I swear......"

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