In order to decide what kind of activity the class should do, can all students please assist in this survey.
'How do you decide on a female attendant when you run a teahouse?'
'① Cuteness
② leadership ability
③ mobility
④ others___'Also, please choose an alternative candidate for this role.
Tsuchiya Kouta's answer:
'"① Cuteness" Candidate... Himeji Mizuki and Shimada Minami.'
Teacher's comments:
'You really can't decide between them, right?'
Yoshii Akihisa's answer:
'"① Cuteness" Candidate...Himeji Mizuki, Hideyoshi Kinoshita
Shimada Minami'
Teacher's comments:
'Sensei is somewhat wondering what's with the blood traces on the paper.'
Sakamoto Yuuji's answer:
'"④ Others (Marriage partner)" Candidate... Kirishima Shouko.'
Teacher's comments:
'Why was your paper brought here by Kirishima-san of class A?'