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There was a time when jc said that he felt like he didn't deserve us and at that moment I disagreed with him so fucking hard. I feel like he worked very hard to get where he's at , he deserves everything that he has, he does have his moments where he doesn't deserve any recognition from ME. I'M HIS SISTER SO I HAVE A RIGHT TO TALK SHIT, IT IS A GOD GIVEN RIGHT

ty. , that's not a god given right.

OK, who asked you? Stfu.

Back to the main issue.. I feel like he's truly appreciative when he has nothing going on

But the only time kian is appreciative is when he has movies out or if he feels the need to "SHOW " us how much he loves us when we find out about his underage lover

Wait. I'm being too petty and I'm lying, rewind this shit.

He's appreciative when it's necessary for him.

Keep this shit moving

Idk anymore, I love both of them so much but it's not the same for me and I have lost 95% of interest. I'll continue to make rant books and love stories, but I wouldn't mind going back to last year or a couple months earlier in this year

When I felt important and like a main priority to those fucks

People are so quick to say that if you take a side or if you leave the fandom , then you're a fake fan. I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told beliebers when I left that fandom

We did not sign a contract that promised that we would always be here through their bullshit , if u feel like ur idol doesn't appreciate u enough or at all

I love them , but it's not like anyone would care if I left. They'd probably be happy

I just don't wanna be depressed anymore, I'll push it out of my life before I end up dead or crying over it

Jian Is Still Real.➵ {Book 5.}Where stories live. Discover now