Basic Herbs:
Cobwebs- Old spider webs that are put on wounds and/or scratches to soak up blood and stop the bleeding.
Poppy Seeds- Seeds from a Poppy plant; used to numb the pain and help cats to sleep.
Mouse Bile- Used to remove parasites from a cat's coat.
Borage Leaves- Used to treat fevers; mainly used to help Queens produce milk for their kits.
Burdock Root- Roots that are chewed for their juice that is squeezed onto wounds to stop infections; mostly rat bites.
Chervil- Used to treat bellyache; often used in kitting.
Catnip- Used to treat blackcough, whitecough, and greencough; can help to relax a cat.
Tansy- Used to treat coughs. Not recommended for Queens- it will make them miss-carry.
Thyme- Used to calm a cat.
Chamomile- Used to calm a cat.
Juniper Berries- Used to treat bellyache.
Water Mint- Used to treat bellyache.
Comfrey- Used to mend broken bones.
Celandine- Used to treat ailments of the eyes.
Dock Leaves- Used to make a cat's coat slippery; also used to carry poultices.
Yarrow- Used to make a cat vomit and expel poisons.
Nettle Leaves- Used to treat swelling.
Honey- Used to treat sore throats.
Special And Uncommon Herbs:
Feverfew- Used to cool feverish cats and treat head pains.
Marigold- Used to treat infections; also heals wounds and sores.
Horsetail- Used to treat infections in wounds.
Wild Garlic- Rolling in this can help keep out infection.
Coltsfoot- Used to treat kittencough.
Chickweed- Used to help treat greencough.
Daisy Leaves- Used to treat aching joints.
Snakeroot- Used to counter poison..
Deadly Herbs:
Deathberries ( Yew )- Of no medical value; bright red berries that can kill a cat if not expelled quickly enough. Just one will kill a kit.
Nightshade- Of no medical value; the same as Deathberries.
Please do not use these in real life on your cats, they are only used in the books. Please consult a doctor if your cat has any of the problems above!
|WarriorS| WF12's Guide
Fanfiction|WarriorS| WF12's Guide This is a little guide I put together since I felt the actual one and some others created don't really match up or give me all the information that I need. So, this is somewhat for personal use whenever I need to look back or...