Invitation (6)

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Jackson :  (kicks mark chair)  hey!  Whats with miss black, she keeps looking at You.

Mark : (turns to look at elena) maybe, she feels sorry for ditching me.

Jackson : surprise) she did what?

Mark : oh... Shut up!

The bell rang, the teacher left the class.. And jb stood.... All eyes on him.

Jb : guys! I got a party tomorrow and You all are invited... (and the class went wide.. Yippe!)

Ej : yay, we got to goooo!!!!!

Elena : sure.... Am so happy for You..

Ej : yea me too... And i know You don't mean that...

Elena : of cos! I do.... Don't get why You like someone that does not look at You....

Ej : stop it! He does look at me, sometimes.. We were close once...

Elena : who????

Ej : me and jb.... When we were still juniors... Our parents are friends.. So... I like him since then

Elena : oh.. I see.. Thats so sweet

Ej : looks at elena with puppies eyes) and You gonna help me get him

Elena : baby girl,that looks don't work on me. Am not using mark because of You.

Ej : You are not going to use him.... Just be nice to him... Besides i think he likes You.

Elena : You should be a love doc... Mark just wanna be the first to hang out with the hot new black girl... You know am sexy... Hahaha.

Ej : yea... Wuheva! Body is not everything... Pabo!

Elena : scoffs... Jealous much?

Ej : Shut up

Elena : i will do it for You and also to piss jisoo.

Ej :hugs elena) thanks.. Lets go collect our invitation card.... And go shopping...

They went to the canteen and the guys and sees the guys giving out invites..

Elena : Ej... How will i get mark to talk to me? Am sure he hates me already...

Ej : figure it on... I was not the one acting mean!

They both walk over to the boys

Elena : hi... (smiles)

Bambam : hi am bambam... Welcome to our school..

Jackson : hits bambam) its been a month.. Stupid.

Bambam : wow... Time sure flys.. (gives her the invites and Ej seem to have lost her tonuge). Look forward to seeing You tomorrow. Winks.

Elena :sure . (drags Ej away) whats wrong with You? You let me do that talking

Ej : sorry... Am a nerd... Lets go shopping.

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