Chapter 1

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Salve Mi Adulteri Musca! *Latin for hello my cheeky bastards* Sorry, Google translate has me hooked. I've always wanted to learn Latin, I want to be a witch... Or a werewolf... or a vampire... or a ninja... OR AN ALCHEMIST!

To much coffee, sorry *Insert sleepish smile here*

 Either-or, Hello Peoples!


Chapter 1

"Stop Inuyasha! That's so mean, apologize to shippo right now!" a dark haired girl screeched angrily, glaring at an irritated silver haired boy. He rolled his golden eyes.

"He deserved it kagome, so shut up." he retorted in annoyance. She huffed, breathing in a long breath of air and pointed at the silverette.

"SIT!" the silverette, Inuyasha, yelped in pain as he slammed roughly into the hard ground. His body twitched angrily as the small fox demon pounced onto his head, laughing.

"S-Shippo..." the half-demon growled dangerously, slowly sitting up and grabbing the young fox's fluffy tail and glaring at him, spitting a chunk of grass and dirt onto the ground, a twisted grin playing on his lips.

"You are so dead." he finished quietly, making the fox demon's eyes widen as he tried to run. It was to no avail, as he was being held in the air by the silver haired boy.

"Hey... Miroku..." Inuyasha looked away from the writhing young fox to glance at the dark haired priestess, catching her weary and fearful tone. The lecherous monk nodded, his shoulders tense, his hand gripping his staff tightly as he glanced towards the sky.

"Yes Kagome, I feel it to." he answered her unasked question. Kirara, the twin-tailed cat companion of the female demon slayer lot out a low hiss, her hair standing up, her fangs exposed as her eyes to looked up at the sky. Sango, the demon slayer, stared at the sky as well, her face pale.

"What is it, what's... Wait a minute, I smell wolf." Inuyasha growled, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword as her looked at the bright blue sky, his eyes narrowing.

The entire group was now staring at the moving mass in the sky. It was rather large, but you could tell it was an animal. Multiple tails flew behind it, and whatever creature it was, was a bright red color.

"What is that?" Shippo asked, his voice small and shakey.

"It had a jewel shard." kagome added, staring at the moving spot with wide eyes.

"I don't know, but it has a shard so lets check it out." he picked up kagome, sliding her onto his back and following the mysterious demon.


Inuyasha held his tetsuiga with a tense hold, his narrowed eyes never straying from the monstrous beast before him. Kagome practically shook with fear behind him, gripping her bow with shaky hands. Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara stood at the forests edge, tense and wide eyed.

The mysterious demon was a large wolf, twice the size of kirara if not more. It's bright blonde hair was raised, its hackles tensed, its mouth open as a constant rumbling growl echoed in the clearing. Its fangs extended past the bottom of his open snout, saliva dripping from the massive incisors. Many tails whipped behind it angrily as its lips pulled into a snarl, its dark green colored eyes narrowed on the hanyou.

"Holy shit..." Sango breathed, recondition and pure fear flashing in her dark eyes.

"What?" Miroku questioned the terrified demon slayer. She gulped.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2014 ⏰

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