
293 6 981

This school is open to more than royals so the curriculum looks a bit different.

-All required classes have a single class for each grade which means all Freshman have each class together, all the sophomores have each class together, etc.
1. Career Advancement
2. Health
3. Foreign Affairs
4. Finance
5. History/Geography
6. Literature

1. Fantastic Beasts (Three classes offered a day this is an all-grades class as the subject matter changes depending on the creatures the school houses so you may end up in a class with mixed grades)
2. Potions (Beginning Potions, Potion Theory, Advanced Potions, Professional Potions)
3. Divination (Palm and Tarrot Resding, Dream Psychology, Signs of the Universe, Professional Divination - The first three may be taken in any order but must have a minimum of B- in all to go into Professional Divination)
4. Music (Band, Orchestra, Folk, Jazz, Choir - All grade classes)
5. Art (Drawing, Painting, Sculpting, Graphic design - All grade classes)
6. Dance (Ball room, Hip-Hop, Ballet - All grade classes)
7. Foreign Languages (Intro, Conversational, Advanced, Professional - Must be taken in order)
8. Ancient Runes (Beginner, Novice, Advanced, Professional - Must be taken in order)
9. Astronomy (Beginner, Novice, Advanced, Professional - Must be taken in order)
10. Herbology (Common Garden, Aquatic Plants, Medical, Professional - Must be taken in order requires C in first three to move on to Professional)
11. Nursing (Intro to Medicines, Biology, Medical Terminology, Certification - Must be taken in order.)

-There's also an optional nap period built into the student's schedule. There's a supervisor to watch their stuff and make sure they wake up on time for their next class.-

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