On a typical winter night bumps aren't uncommon. Some even welcome the noise, a way of comfort or a lullaby into peaceful sleep. These are the lucky ones, the ones that have never been plagued by the pounding of their windows. The sound of someone, something trying to break in.
Many never experience the scenario, one would have to be truly unlucky just to see it, and even unluckier not to live through it.
Before the story continues further and we delve into what may be knocking on your window let me warn you that yes, everything in this story is true. Listen closely, or you may be of the unluckiest. The point of this story is a warning, a wish to rise the unluckiest to the merely unlucky. To resurrect the dead into living.
They claim many victims in the night thanks to secrecy. These spirits, forces, or even demons aren't works of lore or mythology, but beings that too many are unaware of. The only thing that can help their future victims is knowledge and unfortunately, it's hard to come by.
It only happens during winter, they prefer the cold and ominous winds. After all, the winter is for the dead. Maybe they enjoy the chill or even just the season, but no one can say for sure. It's more of a mystery the survivors can only guess at.
Many believe they prefer children. This is probably because they're more susceptible to the tricks played, meant only to harm them. Their innocence makes them easy targets, but that doesn't mean they won't come knocking on your window.
This is how they get your attention. Gentle knocks on your window that cause you to strain your ears in their direction, to make you listen. If your one of the naïve they'll take you at the very beginning.
However, if you know of their tricks you'll stop and wait for the noise to continue. It's best to continue as you are, keep your eyes shut. Remember, it's OK to fidget, but they must believe you are asleep. Horror is for the waking.
If it doesn't persist it was merely a bump in the night.
If it continues trouble has befallen you.
They may be patient, gentle knocks at first, maybe for a while. It all depends on the individual, but this does not change your objective. You must breathe deeply, don't make a sound. Lead them to believe you're sleeping.
At this point their patience may begin to wear thin. They'll knock harder, louder. A constant knocking that urges you to open your eyes and investigate. Don't do it. Keep your eyes closed. This is crucial, the moment you open your eyes you're theirs for the taking.
When your heart speeds and beats frantically, ignore it. When the seed of doubt begins to sprout in your mind that just maybe it's human, ignore it. When you become coated in a cold sweat, ignore it. These things are not human, nor are they friendly. Their only intention is to harm you.
No matter how much you wish to jump up and run you must, I repeat, must stay in place. You are your own defense, the second you show signs of waking they will enter your room. They'll take you.
They'll begin to pound on your window. It will be loud, impossible to ignore. The glass will shake, shudder under the force that rains upon it, but it will not break. Believe that it won't break. Even if it does they cannot get in.
This is how they scare you. It will pound relentlessly at the glass, desperate to get your attention. If you were asleep before they hope you will jolt up in fear, but the second you do you've broken your defenses. You've opened a door they can enter. If that happens you're gone. It doesn't matter how hard you fight or scream. These beings are impossible to escape.
Your family can't help you, neither can your black-belt. None of this matters. All that does is that if you don't listen to this warning you'll disappear. You won't ever be seen again. Whether you die or live is unknown, but wherever they take you is sure to bring suffering.
So, just lie there. Let them bang on your window. This is crucial, remember, for all intensive purposes you are sleeping. No amount of their pounding should stir you.
Their banging could go on forever, even through the entire night. Squeeze your eyes shut, don't peer out. That's what they want.
Even if the knocking stops do not move for the rest of the night. They may still be their, lurking outside your window, waiting for you to do something, anything.
Only when the sun is high in the sky and you hear the chirping of morning birds can you awake. The day brings safety, you will not be disturbed again. Your nights should be peaceful from then on.
Unless you're truly cursed.
Knock Knock
HorrorWhen your curled in bed and they come knocking on your window will you make it? Short story based on my own paranoia. http://www.flickr.com/photos/43546466@N00/503506218 find the picture here. Minor changes made.