meanwhile at the palace
(Yes vector's a crowned Prince)
Derek(vectors dad): good day my son at least his not with another girl
Bloom(vectors mum): Don't say that about our son at least werewolves are stupid when it comes to digging their wives bone cave
Nora(vectors sis): Mum stop it dad didn't mean to spread through our mind link
Clement( vectors brother) : Don't worry it's just a little clumsiness it never gets old
Vector: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddd
The scream was so loud that it almost blocked everyone's ears.
Derek: okay sorry but your room smells like you know ^ ^
Blood. vector: but you know they told me that my soul mate is a vampire and all vampires look sexy.
Dereck: at least I won't shut my mouth to the vampire kingdom.
Cherry pov
Cherry : it can wait I just don't want to feel love that's why I am going to the witches ( yes she knows vectors a wolf )
Kardashian(cherry mum's friend): Quickly come back or I will tell Greg that you stole his pants at the wedding okay cherry : Dragon's can be so annoying sometimes.
Zelda (her aunt's a witch): are you sure you want this cause this will ware of once you find yourself a soulmate.
Cherry: I am sure and am not meeting him because am staying home all day drinking blood or drinking Wolf blood on my favorite cup
Zelda : geeze you are hard to convince yeah and that's not all.
Cherry : will you just do the spell already.
Zelda: okay fine .
Zelda: out you go with all the lotions so make all her emotions disappear.
Do you feel love or anything at all?
Cherry : nope
Zelda: you sure not one little bit of emotions
Cherry: nope thanks aunt Zelda.This is my first book so hope you like it.
RomanceLove overtakes deceit and betrayal Cherry learns it from her fantasy